Example sentences of "[prep] ways [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Tears become a signal to the male partner that the issue under discussion is one that should be taken seriously , and if he is sensitive to his partner 's needs he will respond swiftly and allow the woman to weep in ways that affirm her dignity .
2 When managing a transformational change , the CEO must behave in ways that indicate commitment to the new state ; demonstrating such commitment may be a new and unfamiliar form of behavior .
3 They respond to affection , being made to feel that they matter and to the opportunity to talk about or work through their past , especially in ways that help to raise their self-esteem .
4 Tunnard ( 1989 ) makes some excellent suggestions about ways this can be achieved , including : improving ways of providing emergency protection for children at times of crisis by drawing upon the support of the extended family and local community ; involving parents in decision making , providing parents ' representatives and encouraging the development of local support groups ; improving what happens after separation by offering children and families choices about what can be done , and ensuring contact is promoted and maintained ; dealing with sexual abuse cases in ways that help non-abusing parents to avoid taking a defensive position and that give them the resources and support they need to be able to protect their children .
5 Dorothy Wordsworth found fulfilment in ways that elude precise analysis .
6 It is time , it is thought , for English to organize itself in ways that make it more like a proper academic discipline , with clear procedures and goals .
7 What we share , the captain and us , is mastery of time — the freedom to order our day in ways that make better use of it .
8 Lévi-Strauss accepted the traditional role of anthropology to ‘ explain' the differences of alien cultures in ways that make them recognisable as the same ‘ underneath ’ .
9 They understand what is going on in ways that make sense to them and , if we want to understand their behaviour , and perhaps to explain it , we have to start from where they are .
10 The problems are formidable and they interlock in ways that make them more difficult to tackle .
11 So with the gradual release of information about Stalinism and the terrible losses of life in the labour camps , a whole generation of political activists lost their faith , not only in Russia , but in the hope that human beings can radically alter their society in ways that make it more equal and more just .
12 For managers , this path means continually retraining employees for more complex tasks ; automating in ways that cut routine tasks and enhance worker flexibility and creativity ; diffusing responsibility for innovation ; taking seriously labor 's concern for job–security ; and giving workers a stake in improved productivity through profit-linked bonuses and stock plans .
13 It follows that it is wrong to hold people responsible for their crimes and punish them in ways that imply that their crimes are their own fault .
14 These females interact with one another in ways that accord with their matrilineal descent .
15 What makes the study of the English choral renaissance so fascinating is that these ideals have arisen there in ways that complicate ( but in no way confute ) the argument of Richard Taruskin and others who regard them as a projection of certain 20th-century musical ideas and tastes .
16 I do not share the view that theory and practice in education are opposites — the ideal situation is one in which good practice informs theory and good theory provides new insights into practice — but I certainly think that the ability of academic writers to communicate clearly , in ways that speak to the experience of practitioners , is vital .
17 In some cases , the two become connected in ways that defy control , as Brazil has discovered .
18 After performing this transformation one would seek to introduce more useful parallelism by transforming the unc in ways that remove the temporal dependence between actions in different
19 In such associations , each partner is inevitably modified ; colours may be intensified or assimilated ; commonalities may be enhanced in ways that enable perceptual abstractions to be made without relinquishing any of the context from which the singled out entities draw life .
20 Whereas in Chomskian grammar the basic approach is ‘ top-down ’ , with transformation rules sometimes applying in ways that require one to consider syntactic environments beyond the immediate focus of application , the picture in Montague grammar is simpler , in a way more congenial to our evolutionary picture .
21 On many occasions the interpolation splits the syntax of the spoken words in ways that require the reader not only to register the speaker but to store and carry over the syntax and sense of the quoted words :
22 A work such as Judith Weir 's A Night At The Chinese Opera ( 1987 ) plays with narrative continuity and frames of reference in ways that tie it much more closely to modern literary devices than to any musical antecedents ; Harrison Birtwhistle 's The Mask of Orpheus ( 1986 ) uses all the dramatic devices and timeshifts an opera can muster to tease out the contradictory bundle of myths around the Orpheus legend .
23 He knows he is doing wrong but it is just that , in certain situations of moral dilemma he has to act in ways that involve violence .
24 All peoples manipulate elements of linguistic and ‘ real ’ systems in ways that involve symbolic and logical operations .
25 The far greater challenges — transforming union organisation and government in ways that involve members in actively making their own decisions and implementing them — have been taken up only by a minority of unions , such as NUPE , the TGWU , the Society of Civil and Public Servants and arguably — the Electricians and the Engineers .
26 There are also various derivative usages , in which deictic expressions are used in ways that shift this deictic centre to other participants , or indeed to protagonists in narratives — Lyons ( 1977a : 579 ) calls this deictic projection , Fillmore ( 1975 ) shifts in points of view .
27 Despite the protective embrace of professionalism and the general mutuality of respect and acceptance that pertains between disciplines , the academic teacher of literature is in a peculiar position in relation to his colleagues elsewhere , in ways that have been remarked on by John Bayley and Raymond Williams , and no doubt by others ; in certain respects English does remain an essentially different subject .
28 The Reports of the various Working Groups , taken together , should allay these misgivings and reveal possibilities for collaboration across disciplines in ways that have not yet been widely recognised , with each making its distinctive contribution .
29 Shallis 's proposal is then that events that happen in the Universe may similarly combine in ways that have meaning , in a domain or context that transcends time as we know it .
30 Any book about the inner city in 1990 can not ignore this failure and must surely look at both the reality on the ground today and at the manner in which academic analysis has conceptualised these problems in ways that have facilitated this persistence .
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