Example sentences of "[prep] secretary of state " in BNC.

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1 It is generally felt that in the past local authorities have dragged their feet in taking on their responsibilities to care for mentally disordered people , and the Minister of Health , Roger Freeman , outlined further plans for this group to Parliament the day after Secretary of State Kenneth Clarke 's speech on community care ; these were , clearly , some last-minute additions to the government 's package of proposals .
2 Mr Baker , 57 , was apparently offered the post of Secretary of State for Wales , but he clearly felt unable to accept such an obvious demotion .
3 He apparently wishes the official title of Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to be dropped in favour of the archaic President of the Board of Trade .
4 And there must be a serious question mark against the massive powers acquired by the holder of the office of Secretary of State , which may be thought less than healthy in a democracy normally dependent on a system of checks and balances .
5 Edward Heath disbanded the government and parliament of Northern Ireland in March 1972 and created a new post of secretary of state for Northern Ireland .
6 A proposal in 1923 to join the judicial arm of the League — the World Court — did , however , gain considerable support , including that of Secretary of State Hughes , and of President Coolidge himself .
7 In France the post of Secretary of State for War was given for the first time to a soldier ( the Maréchal de Belle-Isle ) in 1758 ; and in the second half of the century there was a slow but steady tendency for the most important officials concerned , the intendants d'armées and the contrôleurs des guerres , to be military men .
8 Nevertheless an important step forward was taken in 1782 by the creation of the office of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs .
9 I pay tribute to the efforts that he has made since he has held the office of Secretary of State to bring all constitutional politicians together .
10 Details are released of a series of unofficial US proposals ( the " five point framework " of Secretary of State James Baker ) to facilitate an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue .
11 Resignation of Secretary of State
12 Theodor Stolojan , the outgoing Finance Minister , was appointed by Roman on May 14 to head the government 's privatization agency , with the rank of Secretary of State .
13 December : resignation of Secretary of State [ see p. 37932 ] .
14 His position as Minister in Charge of Relations with CTSP and Associations was taken over by Lt.-Col. Birama Sire Traore , who exchanged his portfolio of Secretary of State for Internal Security with Maj. Moussa Diabate , hitherto Minister of Territorial Administration .
15 Consider , insists Wade , the office of Secretary of State with the smallest budget of the Cabinet Departments yet arguably the greatest status in the system ( Wade 1979 , p. 354 ) .
16 At the end of May Primakov and Vladimir Shcherbakov , Soviet First Deputy Prime Minister , arrived in Washington for a week of meetings with IMF , World Bank and senior US administration officials ( including Secretary of State James Baker and President Bush ) on Soviet economic plans and the prospects for Western aid .
17 The county council thinks that its proposed provision is the right approach and it 's a balanced approach in line erm with Secretary of State 's previously e stated wishes .
18 Speaking at Stormont Castle before a meeting with Secretary of State Sir Patrick Mayhew , Mr Morrison said he was prepared to meet any group .
19 In R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , ex parte Northumbria Police Authority , the police authority sought judicial review to compel the Home Secretary to withdraw a circular issuing plastic bullets and CS gas to local police forces .
20 On the other hand , in R. v. Secretary of State for the Environment , ex parte Rose Theatre Trust Co. the judge appears to have been of the view that an applicant could have standing only on the basis of a personal interest and not on the basis of representing the interests of others .
21 ( See R. v. Secretary of State for Transport , ex p .
22 In R. v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , ex p .
23 An additional factor to be taken into account was added by the case of Air Canada v. Secretary of State ( No. 2 ) ( H.L. , 1983 ) , namely the applicant 's need for the documents .
24 However R. v. Secretary of State for the Environment , ex p .
25 The Court of Appeal stressed in R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , ex parte Northumbria Police Authority ( C.A. , 1988 ) that the Chief Constable has complete operational control over his force and that the police authority has no power to intervene .
26 This was also the basis of the court 's intervention in R. v. Secretary of State for the Environment , ex p .
27 ( b ) By applying natural justice in situations where there was " a right , an interest , a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing " Per Denning M.R. in Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs ( C.A. , 1969 ) .
28 A restricted right to a hearing was upheld by the Court of Appeal in R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , ex p .
29 In the case of Forkhurst v. Secretary of State [ 1982 ] 46 P & CR 89 , Hodgson J gave a clear indication of the way in which the judiciary approach the issue of ‘ use ’ and ‘ change of use ’ from one class of use to another :
30 However , if a farmer decides to let out , in return for money , some of the rooms in the farmhouse to friends , relatives and associates during the summer months , this may not be a material change of use and planning permission is not required : Blackpool Borough Council v. Secretary of State for the Environment 11980 ] 40 P & CR 104 ( QBD ) .
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