Example sentences of "[prep] both teacher and " in BNC.

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1 Thus it is accepted that without good discipline in a school the standard of teaching and learning , and thus the achievements of both teachers and pupils , will suffer .
2 Evaluation looks at the relationship between teaching and learning : it therefore , logically enough , engages the participation of both teachers and learners .
3 In its 609 pages , which included 333 recommendations , one of the most important concerns was the competence of both teachers and pupils in respect of their knowledge of the English language .
4 The kind of areas that will be covered in this course component are types of schools , their structure , management and ethos , the roles and expectations of both teachers and pupils , teachers ' working conditions and status , pastoral care and discipline .
5 After Kingman there was a growing consensus that some kind of explicit knowledge about language was necessary for both teachers and pupils .
6 We could not provide a grammatical description of the English language , for that was beyond our scope , but we wanted everyone to realise what kind of grammar is appropriate for both teachers and pupils to understand .
7 The DOCE was set up five years ago to provide up-to-date information for both teachers and pupils in secondary education , and originally sent data out on floppy .
8 Despite these doubts , miscue analysis has much that is positive to commend it , and its increasing use is producing interesting sidelights for both teachers and pupils .
9 Third process teaching and learning styles should vary as widely as possible in order to provide maximum stimulation for both teachers and pupils and care should be taken to plan programmes with a long term rhythm of change or variety the element of chance and serendipity
10 There is an almost unchallenged assumption that mathematics education , for both teacher and taught , occurs in a political vacuum .
11 Nevertheless , it does seem reasonable to suggest that teachers need to be aware that when tackling many writing tasks pupils will achieve a greater degree of success , both as writers and as learners , if they can work in stages , and if within these stages they have sympathetic and informed support from both teachers and peers — not , I would insist , seeking to impose a preconceived notion of how to plan or how to write , but helping pupils to discover what works best for them .
12 Many significant messages will have been conveyed to both teachers and pupils .
13 The ‘ exercise mode ’ can be very useful when the purpose is clear to both teacher and class .
14 The curriculum already exists and is external and objective to both teacher and pupil , and their interaction is designed simply to bring the learner to that state of knowledge at which the teacher has already arrived .
15 Increasing dissatisfaction among both teachers and students led them frequently to ask the question , ‘ Why study at all ? ’ , with some justification .
16 Since then the excellent reputation it has earned among both teachers and learners alike has continued to grow .
17 Does the Minister accept that education in Wales owes much to the professionalism and the independence of the Welsh schools inspectorate , and that there is widespread hostility among both teachers and parents in Wales to the possible privatisation of that service ?
18 The educational system has always displayed great inertia , a built-in resistance to change , which is contributed to by both teachers and parents alike .
19 In Sweden ( a country I have visited regularly since 1976 ) there is a desire , expressed by both teachers and senior government educational advisors , to use the most recent läroplan ( the centrally imposed school curriculum ) as a starting point for creative teaching which takes into account the needs of children and the way in which they learn .
20 As the evaluation of both the Major and Minor Projects shows , teachers in project schools did argue with force that the use made of the library by both teachers and pupils had increased in volume and changed in kind .
21 The way in which the pupil explores these content areas will reflect the ‘ balance ’ of teaching methods mentioned above , but the acquiring of knowledge and understanding of relevant aspects of Scripture , Doctrine , Liturgy , Life Experience and Morality are to be seen as of significant importance by both teacher and pupil .
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