Example sentences of "[prep] other ways in " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of other ways in which the work could
2 Furthermore , even when examining recorded crimes only , changes in the figures may be accounted for by reasons other than the fact that the actual number of offences have changed , and there are a variety of other ways in which an increase in recorded crime can be accounted for .
3 Because food additives are so important in hyperkinetic syndrome , you need to be aware of other ways in which they can be consumed .
4 The , the er , single regeneration agency is taking on board the issues of things like derelict land and a number of other ways in which , for example English partnership is in the regeneration industry , and a number of other ways in which the , the government have acted to , to try to make things happen .
5 The , the er , single regeneration agency is taking on board the issues of things like derelict land and a number of other ways in which , for example English partnership is in the regeneration industry , and a number of other ways in which the , the government have acted to , to try to make things happen .
6 We may also include in discourse deixis a number of other ways in which an utterance signals its relation to surrounding text , e.g. utterance-initial anyway seems to indicate that the utterance that contains it is not addressed to the immediately preceding discourse , but to one or more steps back .
7 There are all sorts of other ways in which it is hard to learn to use existing languages .
8 It had to be , he had to do something or they would never have er got In other ways in was a lenient school because as the years went by it was , a register was called , a teacher er opened a book and we called numbers .
9 Mr. Greenway : Has my right Hon. Friend seen the figures showing that at least one third of our churches and cathedrals have been vandalised by fire or in other ways in the past year ?
10 Or they should , the citizens should be er stopped from er attacking each other and so on , but whether the citizens turn out to be morally good or morally bad in other ways in private matters , whether they 're morally improving or not , is simply not the business of governments .
11 Unless users are involved in helping to define what it means to work in an empowering way , in the training which enables this to happen and in other ways in the planning , delivery and evaluation of services , it will be another case of users being ‘ done to ’ by professionals .
12 This same observation can be applied to other ways in which we are describing ourselves .
13 Our staff in any branch will be more than happy to advise you about other ways in which we can help — you , your family , your business .
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