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1 London Life , covering a party held by the National Sun and Air Association , went into some detail in describing the magician Mr Tony Alexander , who , despite his absence of clothing , managed to Produce cards and handkerchiefs from thin air and won himself a round of applause — and a five pound bet into the bargain .
2 I discussed them in some detail in the chapter on event planning .
3 However , marine algae were very important in the early history of the evolution of the earth , and they are described in some detail in Chapters 7 and 8 .
4 The system of aids and financial supports applied in the UK 's Less Favoured Areas are discussed in some detail in existing documents produced by the Arkleton Trust , by MAFF and by MacEwen and Sinclair for the Council for National Parks .
5 This issue raises a whole series of complex methodological questions that are examined in some detail in P.A. Consultants ' 1987 review .
6 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
7 Landseer praised his Seventy-eight Studies from Nature 1808–1810 and talked about it in some detail in the New London Review of 1810 .
8 I considered this process in some detail in The Secret of the Creative Vacuum , for if our basic premises are incorrect , then all findings based upon such foundations will also be suspect .
9 F. R. Saunders , when Government Agent of the Western Province , described the system in some detail in his annual report for 1889 .
10 These implications are explored in some detail in the next chapter , but in this one I want to elaborate a little on the model itself by considering more closely how it bears upon certain current issues in the pedagogy of language teaching .
11 ( The argument that went on in Tanzania at this time is referred to in some detail in the next chapter . )
12 That 's something you documented in some detail in subsequent records .
13 What must always have been clear to perceptive teachers , and what is now being documented in some detail in research , is that racism and sexism are experienced in numerous different ways , depending upon the groups concerned and the educational context .
14 The processes by which such negotiations are conducted are considered in some detail in chapter 7 .
15 Over time we absorb them as our own and the culture shock retreats as we internalize the values and beliefs ( I discuss this in some detail in Chapter 6 ) .
16 Types 3 and 4 are of direct relevance to us , and are discussed in some detail in the present chapter ; types 1 and 2 , on the other hand , are irrelevant , and we need to know how to exclude them .
17 In the case of hierarchies only general formal characteristics are discussed : specific types of hierarchy are treated in some detail in chapter 6 ( taxonomic hierarchies ) , chapter 7 ( part-whole hierarchies ) and chapter 8 ( non-branching hierarchies ) .
18 We will discuss those attempts in some detail in Chapters 4 , 5 and 6 .
19 The issue raised here will be discussed in some detail in Chapter 9 .
20 Matadial referred in some detail in her evidence to five or six occasions between October 1986 and the end of the year when she had discussed with the defendant his frequent beating and threatening of Paulette .
21 The circumstances in which Mrs. O'Brien was persuaded by her husband to sign the legal charge are set out in some detail in the judge 's judgment .
22 The other market incentives/deterrents that might be expected to align management and shareholder interests will be briefly noted at the end of this chapter and examined in some detail in Chapter 4 .
23 The actual institutions in the UK , USA , and EC are described in some detail in three papers in this issue ( Williams , White and Sapir et al .
24 In fact , however , as is shown in some detail in chapter 11 , while the Conservatives have been very committed to public ‘ expenditure restraint and have stopped the growth of public employment , they too have found social policy expenditure hard to curb .
25 These latter four roles are defined and discussed in some detail in Chapter 3 , and are therefore not elaborated here .
26 Each of these are considered in some detail in section two , below .
27 Less well known , perhaps , is our vision of sustainable development , production and consumption , matters that are addressed in some detail in the document referred to in paragraphs 22 and 23 , above .
28 Ilyas , known as Ciwi-zade ( Civizade : d. 995/1587 ) , not to be confused with his father who bore the same name and who , as one of the Muftis in the period under review , is treated in some detail in a later chapter .
29 We shall look at it in some detail in this chapter , devoting two sections , 5.1 and 5.2 , to it .
30 In view of the importance of this work for modern literary theory I shall deal with it in some detail in the pages that follow .
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