Example sentences of "[prep] all the land " in BNC.

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1 In a very timely book , Israel 's Fateful Decisions , published shortly before the Intifada broke out , the Israeli scholar , General Yehoshavat Harkabi , wrote that for a settlement to be possible , both sides must first renounce their respective dreams or ‘ grand designs ’ — for the Zionists , the ‘ redemption ’ of all the Land of Israel , for the Palestinians , the ‘ liberation ’ of all the territory that once was theirs — and thereby end what he calls the absolute , ‘ existential ’ nature of the struggle .
2 The humblest citizen of all the land , when clad in the armour of a righteous cause , is stronger than all the hosts of Error .
3 So , make the most of all the land
4 That would remove the enormous burden which was facing local councils who were expected to compile detailed maps of all the land in their boundaries showing whether it might be contaminated .
5 Of all the people of all the land owners there , of all those who had fields , or bits of a field to harvest , God directs Ruth to Boaz and you can see the abundance of the blessing there .
6 Originally the compact had stipulated that the Belau government would provide land for sites selected by the military and would compensate landowners , while the USA would provide $5,500,000 for all the land it had an option on .
7 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
8 In the meantime , they want Israel to give them full authority over all the land in the West Bank and Gaza ( except , temporarily , over the Jewish settlements ) ; to yield control over the West Bank 's water sources ; and to allow an arbitration committee with members from Jordan , Egypt , Russia and America to oversee the interim period .
9 That there will be copulating and fornicating wherever you look — beneath the counter of the wool shop , behind the grille at the bank , in the schools ' staff rooms — everywhere you look there will be limbs writhing in ecstasy : only look upwards and you will see the mighty outspread wings of the Devil casting their reddish glow over all the land , and from the black and foaming pit of his fanged mouth the dreadful word will issue : ‘ Fuck , fuck , fuck ! ’
10 For Frederick II at Eger in 1213 ( as had Otto at Neuss ) , repudiated the whole imperial programme and the ambitions of his father , Henry VI , renouncing claims to all the land between Radicofani and Ceprano , the March of Ancona , the duchy of Spoleto , the Matildine lands , the county of Bertinoro , the exarchate of Ravenna , Pentapolis and the Massa Trabaria .
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