Example sentences of "[prep] his face that " in BNC.

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1 Beside her Kim was struggling to hide his feelings , but Lan could tell from the paleness of his face that he was apprehensive and on edge .
2 Reinhard Heydrich wiped the portion of his face that had been covered by his mask .
3 But there was something so grim , so untouchable in the set of his face that there was a pause in the upward fluttering of her heart — a pause , and then a downward plunge to earth .
4 Mam would n't say anything because she did n't want to throw it in his face that it was her money going down his throat .
5 There was nothing in his face that she could interpret as affection or even as desire .
6 There was something in his face that had no right to be there , and the fact that it was so unexpected made it hard for her to recognise ; but recognise it she did , and its presence bewildered her .
7 Riven felt a thrill of fear in his stomach , like ice poured liquid into the bottom of his lungs ; and then it was all he could do to steer his terrified horse in Murtach 's wake , and stay aboard as it swerved past rocks and bushes , and leapt hollows with the thunder of the other horses like a storm in his ears , and the rain a freezing hail in his face that blinded him .
8 Guy was gazing down at her , an expression of such tenderness in his face that Isabel felt her heart shake .
9 ‘ I love it when you do that … ’ she whispered to him one day as they made love , and he laughed softly , looking down at her , such warmth in his face that her heart stopped and her smile faded .
10 No-one could have told from his face that he was absolutely livid with Sukey , but he did n't want a row , which would upset Daisy and gee Perdita up before the interview .
11 He moved him a little and saw from his face that it was someone else .
12 I knocked on his door and when he answered I could tell from his face that he 'd been crying .
13 But the eyewitness who reported the scene noted that all could see from his face that he was greatly irritated by the French counsellor who had attempted to alter the terms of his homage and exact a fealty oath .
14 When he turned it was obvious from his face that he had been having a long tussle with himself .
15 ‘ If you come out and tell a person to his face that he 's not selected and why , ’ I said , ‘ well , it might hurt but at least you know . ’
16 He felt a heat rising to his face that was n't caused by the sun .
17 And I told Heathcliff to his face that he could never have made Catherine happy , if she had been his wife .
18 Mr Browning , with an expression on his face that said he guessed what this was about and it did not please him , nodded .
19 But she had said nothing , and she knew from the look on his face that he was thinking she was still bearing a grudge from the incident in the storeroom the previous night .
20 I could tell immediately by the look on his face that he knew about Granny , for news travelled fast in our district and nothing was secret for long .
21 You 'd have imagined from all the interest on his face that I was trying to sell him my butterfly collection .
22 He looked at her now , a sheepish half-smile on his face that said , ‘ I 'd better not antagonise him further by passing a minute with you . ’
23 He was holding her hand and staring down at her with an extraordinary expression on his face that she had never seen before .
24 But such was the disappointment on his face that I was compelled to agree that we would enjoy such a picnic , which indeed is a delicious meal in other circumstances — at Henley during summer , or at Glyndebourne on a good afternoon — but in the middle of the South African veld , on our way to Rhodesia , its incongruity would have occurred to anyone except to a British diplomat .
25 She saw by the look on his face that he was half afraid of her .
26 She knew by the expression on his face that he was hers , and she was confident her sexual ability could keep him happy until she was ready to move on .
27 With an expression on his face that suggested he could not fight any longer , David pulled her towards him and slowly stroked her head and back .
28 He was watching her , an enigmatic expression on his face that made her wary , even though it was hard to keep her eyes open .
29 Cornelius , the man who had suggested the ill-fated drive to Burford , the man who had stayed behind when the others started back to Oxford , sat before Harry , twenty years on , with a smile on his face that mixed candid reminiscence and flagrant duplicity .
30 I suppose it was the expression on his face that made me scream . ’
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