Example sentences of "[prep] be sure that " in BNC.

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1 But it is clear the Treasury is holding out against providing substantial extra central funds , arguing it has no way of being sure that extra money will go into reducing the impact of the tax , rather than into increased spending .
2 Then , given that the only way of being sure that your ad is communicating what your strategy says it should is to show the ad to people and ask what it tells them , it follows that the best way to write down the strategy is , as far as possible , in the language that consumers will use .
3 Berenson had found his vocation : ‘ to be sure that every Lotto is a Lotto , every Cariani a Cariani , every Santecroce a Santacroce ’ .
4 Then , and only then , begin the side-slip and use up sufficient height to be sure that full airbrake will be more than adequate to get down for a spot landing .
5 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
6 Amongst its conclusions , the report welcomes the emphasis being placed by the DSS and Social Security Benefits Agency ( SSAB ) on ‘ customer care ’ , and the recognition that much remains to be done to be sure that an adequate service is given .
7 In an agricultural project farmers have to understand the potential benefits of the inputs ( say , fertiliser and seed ) financed by the project , to find them relevant , and to be sure that their produce will find a market , before committing themselves to participation .
8 The association wished to be involved in a major city-centre conversion but needed to be sure that the selected project would succeed .
9 He needed to be sure that current arrangements were working as well as possible before the Government 's review next year of whether competition in basic telecoms should be extended beyond the two companies .
10 That is , they want to be sure that the scrutiny of takeovers in third countries moving into the EC is as thorough and as fair as in the Community .
11 Television is excellent for this , and Chomsky for long has had that great domain in which to show how governments and the big businesses linked to most television powers are very , very careful to be sure that few views are presented which violate the currently useful consensus .
12 Donors will obviously need to be sure that environmental aid is administered efficiently and spent according to agreed priorities .
13 Israel , whose new ambassador in Washington had complained to the press on February 14th that America was giving Israel the ‘ runaround ’ on housing aid for Soviet immigrants ( the administration wanted to be sure that $400m in loan guarantees , now agreed , would not be used to settle immigrants in the West Bank ) .
14 However your event looks , you still have to be sure that it 's going to sound good as well .
15 ‘ It much more concerned us , ’ writes Baxter , ‘ to be sure that we deserved not suffering , than that we be delivered from it . ’
16 In order to be sure that our data would be as reliable as possible a decision was made to report only on those countries from which we had received at least three questionnaires among which there was a high level of agreement .
17 The blaze commenced one lunchtime when few people were in the premises , so there was no loss of life , but it took a long time for the blaze to be brought under control and some days before the firemen were able to be sure that there was no risk of further outbreaks of fire .
18 If I actually follow you down the street in order to be sure that you do n't throw it away or forget to post it , for instance , then I at one and the same time become certain that you 've posted it and display a lack of faith that you will do so .
19 Do we really have to be sure that God exists in order to believe in God ?
20 It is too soon to be sure that any such desecration has been avoided , but the excellent scheme by Allies and Morrison which has now been adopted is already on course for completion by the arrival of the Tall Ships in 1992 .
21 They thus occupy a rather special place in the spectrum of infectious human disease , since , without being able to find the germ responsible , it is not only rather difficult to be sure that the disease is present in the first place , but , having given a treatment for which there can be no de finite evidence of efficacy , since no organism has been eliminated , it can be very difficult to tell whether the infection has resolved or even whether the patient is better .
22 But you do n't have to study genetics to be sure that there are , or at least once were , genes influencing differences between caddis houses .
23 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
24 It is n't easy for any of us today to be sure that we are getting all the vitamins that we need .
25 And we both need to be sure that you can afford the repayments .
26 When you have reached the prime of life and acquired a home and possessions to be proud of , you want to be sure that you have reliable insurance — but at a price that you feel recognises and rewards the care that you take .
27 A solicitor well versed in employment law or a freelance personnel expert may be able to help , although you will be charged for their services and you need to be sure that they have a feet-on-the-ground approach in addition to technical competence .
28 But you want to be sure that your parents get to hear as soon as possible that you are safe , do n't you ? …
29 The night before his death I spent more than an hour with him and we spoke quietly of the future ; he wanted to be sure that Ray and I would look after Margaret , our step-mother , whom we had come to admire greatly for her devotion to Father .
30 To be sure that a patient is truly regaining their health , it is of no value just to know that the symptoms of his complaint have been relieved , rather the focus of his disease has to be seen to be shifting into less important areas , that is , moving down the hierarchy .
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