Example sentences of "[prep] be [prep] home " in BNC.

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1 We went up to the Downs and at least I stayed in the saddle , and felt indeed a new sense of being at home there , of being at ease .
2 All he could say was that it had to be called a great and profound change , and that it had happened , ‘ I have a feeling of being at home when I am with her , as though she gives me my own hearth , a feeling that our lives are interwoven . ’
3 One advantage of being at home is that you will be less likely to have a caesarian section , which is seen as a last resort while in hospitals around 12pc of all pregnancies will end in an operation .
4 Not like being at home of course , not so cosy , but I expect it 's quite interesting .
5 Once asked many years ago by a visiting American Congresswoman what it was like having a woman leader , Grunte had replied that it was like being at home all day , a bon mot that had earned him his place in ‘ Sayings of the Week ’ .
6 Like Councillor , personally I 've got better things to do , like being at home .
7 personally I 've got better things to do , like being at home .
8 I tell you a ou I said today when I was in school cos that 's like being at home with my three year old , it was just like that today being stuck in there !
9 Therefore , to re-echo Reiman : you stand more chance of being killed avoidably at work than in any other sphere of your life , including being at home !
10 These men , suddenly faced with being at home all the time , feel threatened by the fact that life seems to be shutting all the doors on them .
11 I reckon over the past two years I 've probably lost about £8,000 with being at home , in lost earnings .
12 I wanted to escape from being at home , from being at school and , quite consciously and openly , from being myself .
13 Erlich was content just to be on home territory .
14 When he saw the cap badges he felt himself to be on home ground .
15 What a fine piece of historical irony it would be if from the heart of this wounded part of Europe there were to emerge a politics that would begin to show us how to be at home in the world , decently balancing the requirements of social justice and economic sufficiency , of finite nature and what we call human nature .
16 It was , he felt , just too difficult to be at home at all , with Claudia in a permanently bitchy mood and both his teenage children taking their cue from her and behaving intolerably .
17 Left to myself I might have tried to persuade , to plead , to wheedle , to say how nice it was going to be at home .
18 McCann happened to be at home in Derry on a visit when he was invited to take part in a DHAC demonstration .
19 I too desired to be at home , and was glad when we were able to close our own dear front door behind us , and be gathered in to the silence of our little parlour .
20 He said , ‘ So the most I can hope for would be to be at home on a respirator full-time ? ’
21 I wish to be at home with you indeed , indeed-my Joy is only in the bud here I am like that Tree , which fronts me — The Sun shines bright & warm , as if it were summer — but it is not summer & so it shines on leafless boughs .
22 Stadtverkehr im Wandel meaning Town traffic in change began by stressing the role of streets in a child 's growth as it learned ‘ to be at home in the town ’ .
23 ‘ How I long to be at home and have some plain food .
24 After he and Frank Williams had confirmed the sport 's worst kept secret , the 30-year-old Londoner said : ‘ Both my sisters are going to be at home this Christmas and I 've got a job — so I guess I 'm buying the drinks .
25 Abandoning the isolation he had sought so avidly in September , he went back so as to be at home for Christmas , always a precarious time for him .
26 In another BT study , Away From Base , psychologist Dr Guy Fielding identifies four distinct travelling personalities — the ‘ bee ’ who works hard when travelling but gets impatient if the journey takes too long ; the ‘ chameleon ’ who finds it easy to sit back and relax despite travel disruptions ; the reliable ‘ beaver ’ who always gets the job done but prefers to be in constant contact when on the move ; and the independent ‘ cat ’ who really prefers to be at home and likes to ‘ take his own world with him ’ when travelling .
27 Paul remembered the Colonel , an old martinet who was one of those who had made it evident that he ought to be at home helping his mother .
28 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
29 Women and girls were not expected to go off after work and sing in choirs or play games — they were expected to be at home catching up on household chores .
30 Erm are you going to be at home at all tomorrow or here at all tomorrow ? ?
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