Example sentences of "[prep] the trouble [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A large part of the trouble lay in the overlapping and by no means clearly defined responsibilities for operations in Vietnam between US forces operating in support of the Chinese in the ‘ China Theater ’ , and Southeast Asia Command : more particularly , the disagreements between the US General Wedemeyer and Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten .
2 At a preliminary meeting of the British commanders Slim bluntly observed that ‘ the root of the trouble lay in the fact that the Burmese distrusted us ’ .
3 Part of the trouble lay in the German command 's ruthless system of keeping divisions in the line over lengthy periods , constantly topping up the losses with new replacements .
4 Mario and I agreed during that long flight that part of the trouble had to be media coverage .
5 For him , the inability to locate the source of the trouble resulted in unmethodical chaos .
6 The worst of the trouble occurred in Bihar , a state with a long record of political violence .
7 Most of the trouble appeared to be centred on the Cocody and Yopougon campuses of Abidjan university where , on the night of May 17-18 , troops stormed student accommodation .
8 Part of the trouble stemmed from a dislike of Sandys ' refusal to heed professional advice , and from his propensity for allowing the senior civil servants in the Ministry of Defence to usurp the powers that properly belonged to the Chiefs of Staff .
9 Amid criticism that the government 's reactions to the troubles had been slow and their position confused and biased , Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican-Voiculescu , who was leading compromise talks between the HDUR and the UVR on March 22 , assured crowds in Tirgu Mures that the government 's commission of inquiry would be objective but would seek the " resolute " punishment of those found guilty of instigating the unrest .
10 These are books by middle-aged semi-Scots who have chosen to publish accounts of their early lives which lay stress on the troubles they experienced , on the troubles inflicted , within their respective environments , by poverty and servitude , and on the responsibility of relatives for some of what the writers had to suffer .
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