Example sentences of "[prep] the trouble [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I did not know enough about painting to recognise it , or even guess at its value , but in the present-day crazy art market even a relatively modern painting might well be very valuable , and this one was apparently worth the trouble and risk that Ewen Mackay had taken .
2 The total penalty , then , was scarcely worth the trouble and cost involved in Mr Hunte 's consultations with senior ICC officials , conciliators all , it seems .
3 That decision was the second major controversy of Hunt 's extraordinary year : this time not just Ferrari but many others felt that the race had been stopped to give Hunt time to repair his car , an argument given plausibility by the fact that Lauda had made his way out of the trouble and was clearly leading the race when it stopped .
4 As play was held up Bucknor strolled over to the scene of the trouble and appealed for calm .
5 Common decided to discontinue further experiments because of the trouble and cost and passed the patterns to Thomas Brown and his son , iron-founders of Alnwick , who emigrated to New York State with them in 1824 .
6 ‘ It 's something he 's had for some time , but I was always going to play him despite the trouble and the fact he 's one booking away from a ban . ’
7 You must then know how to cope with the trouble and judge whether to act on your own or call the vet .
8 Taking part in the forum ( in the order they spoke ) were : Nadia Tarazi from the General Union of Palestinian Women ; Celmira Salazar , from Chile , Fatima Babiker Mahmoud , from the Institute for African Alternatives ; Savvy Hensman , from the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre ; [ lean Thomas , from the Jamaican Organisation for Women for Progress ; Juliette Joseph , from the International Women 's Day Planning Committee ; Sarah Roelofs , from Women for Socialism ; Noirin O'Riordan , from Women in Ireland ; Elizabeth Carola , active in WAVAW and campaigns against child sexual abuse ; Shaila Shah from the Outwrite Collective and Margot Farnham from the Trouble and Strife Collective .
9 It 's a year of preparation for a new life away from the troubles and temptations that drew them to drugs and crime .
10 Margot Farnham : I 'm involved in the Trouble and Strife collective which is a radical feminist British journal , it 's our fifth birthday issue , we 've been going since 1983 and I 've been on the collective for two years .
11 I could see it sailing over the trouble and landing on the green .
12 It makes the agency 's continued presence known to dischargers without the trouble and cost of a sample .
13 The account describes the ‘ hospitals and open stables for the reception of diseased and sick horses in the first stage of their complaints ’ … ‘ more pure stables , which are taken up by horses in physic , or patients whose complaints are not contagious ’ … stocks where ‘ all operations are performed without the trouble or hazard of casting … a perfect skeleton of a horse , to refer to in cases of lameness , fractures , etc … various paddocks , some with and some without water for the better accommodation of horses of different descriptions , whose complaints require open air , or grass , for their perfect recovery ’ .
14 If correct , this hypothesis might explain why these people so many thousands of years ago went to the trouble and danger of penetrating so deeply into the cave for this purpose .
15 Why do the Continent 's environmentalists , unlike the British or American , need to go to the trouble and expense of political parties at all ?
16 In both these cases the old plates made the necessary points , and there was no need to go to the trouble and expense of getting new ones .
17 If people have gone to the trouble and expense of referring
18 We heard about your recent burglary and hope you were not too upset by the trouble and inconvenience .
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