Example sentences of "[prep] a fifth [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Chamorro declined to give interviews while in Washington but in an article published this week , she wrote : ‘ Ten years of living dangerously has brought civil war , an exodus of a fifth of our countrymen , an annual inflation of 30,000 per cent , 40 per cent unemployment and for the first time in our history , mass hunger .
2 Until recently Germany accounted for a fifth of its total sales .
3 In America , says Mr Rathje , it accounts for a fifth of landfill space .
4 Although the gas industry retained the larger market share for cooking overall , more than a quarter of consumers had electric cookers by 1958 and electricity for cooking continued to account for a fifth of domestic electricity sales .
5 Diesel engines are the main source of smoke in cities and are responsible for a fifth of all emissions of nitrogen oxides .
6 A farewell drink for a fifth of the workforce at Research Machines in Oxfordshire who 've just received their redundancy notices .
7 From then until 1820 it represented above a fifth of gross domestic capital formation ( GDCF ) .
8 With two children , that amounts to a fifth of pre-tax income .
9 A carbon plasma is created in an electric arc struck between two graphitic electrodes ; up to a fifth of the carbon vaporized ends up as buckminsterfullerene .
10 It absorbs up to a fifth of its dry weight of water without feeling damp , she says .
11 In Lewisham an attempt at large scale multi-disciplinary intervention to rehabilitate residents of such a hostel had only been able to move on a fifth of their treatment group after a year ( Timms , 1990 ) .
12 I make my own — at a fifth of the cost of the shop-bought article .
13 At a fifth of a carat per stone that would be forty thousand stones .
14 Thus it was that a caddish cub reporter from the Cricklewood Cricket drew the following response : ‘ A quarter of my age in years multiplied by a fifth of my age in years multiplied by a forty-fifth of my age in years gives my age in years . ’
15 The need for better planning , and the need to organize and consider training courses within the overall framework of each individual 's development needs was mentioned in various ways , by a fifth of the sample , ( see Table 25 ) , although more often by larger libraries ( see Table 30 ) :
16 Physically the Intel 8080 is a package approximately two inches long by half an inch wide by a fifth of an inch deep .
17 The company , which has a 60% market share , has seen sales drop by a fifth since November .
18 Unemployment has fallen by a fifth over the past two years to below 8% .
19 The dividend is lifted by a fifth to 12.74p , with a final 8.92p covered by normal earnings of 34.4p , up almost 4p a share .
20 The dividend is lifted by a fifth to 12.74p , with a final 8.92p covered by normal earnings of 34.4p , up almost 4p a share .
21 Profits have dropped by a fifth to £34.8 million in the first half of this year , and he 's not expecting an early recovery .
22 Indeed , they boasted proudly that retail electricity prices had risen more slowly than the retail price index in general : although their own tariffs had risen faster , average consumption had gone up and the extra kWh had been sold at the lower incremental charges of two-part or block tariffs , thus bringing the average domestic price in their first ten years down by a fifth in real terms .
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