Example sentences of "[prep] whom [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such interaction was also viewed positively by Contact 's senior personnel , as they were aware that most of the group 's 22 male and 14 female members , one of whom was black , were unable to meet people of their own age outside the centres .
2 Ten cooperative candidates ran at the 1918 general election , only one of whom was successful .
3 Number 50 was the home of the Bannell family — father , mother and two daughters — one of whom was deformed and made a living , hand-weeding the lawns in The Close , one son a tailor , who was a cripple and one granddaughter .
4 The delegates had a stimulating day , with a wide variety of speakers , none of whom was afraid to be controversial .
5 Other Cabinet members included : Nepali Congress members Marshal Zullum Sakya , Mahendra Narayan Nidhi , and Yog Prasad Upadhyay , who became Home Minister ; United Left Front members Sahana Pradhan ( the Nepali Communist Party leader , who took on the portfolio of Industry and Commerce ) , Jhal Nath Khanal , and Nilambar Acharya ; two prominent non-party opposition figures , Devendra Raj Pandey ( an economist and leader of the Human Rights Organization of Nepal , who became Finance Minister ) , and Mathura Shrestha ( a professor of medicine , who was appointed Minister of Health ) ; and two members nominated by King Birendra , one of whom was Rai Majhi , who became Minister of Education , despite protests by students and teaching staff .
6 At Barrow-in-Furness the site of the new town was owned by the dukes of Devonshire , one of whom was responsible for its planning in the middle decades of the nineteenth century .
7 In April 1916 , the institution housed 200 inmates , none of whom was able-bodied .
8 There was evidence of HDV infection in five patients , each of whom was positive for HDAb in serum and HDAg in liver .
9 Mr Aldous believes that the profession should set out clearly what it is about and re-establish the Institute 's lead in auditing and accounting matters : ‘ How about a legislative Council of highly paid members , all of whom were obliged to resign from all other paid posts ? ’
10 Gooseneck presided over a table of thirty , one-third of whom were female .
11 Leading industrialists and businessmen , many of whom were involved in foreign-owned enterprises , generally remained as politically quiescent as the traditional merchant community .
12 This article contains three case studies of teachers , all of whom were involved with innovations designed to incorporate mathematical activities of an investigative and practical nature into their classrooms .
13 Broadcasters were supposed to be outside the political arena , and held attitudes different from those of their colleagues in the press , many of whom were political campaigners .
14 About half of these had been won from the moderate middle-class parties and were augmented by the vote of about 6 million new voters , half of whom were young people voting for the first time , and the other half of whom were people who up to now had been too weary , cynical or lacking in hope to vote at all .
15 During the year twelve people had been converted , eight of whom were young wives brought to Christ through a young wives ’ group .
16 ( 1986 ) followed fifty-five children admitted to care , most of whom were young people in residential care .
17 It was opposed by the renascent claims of the Provincial Juntas as direct representatives of the sovereign people ; by conservatives and malcontent grandees who hoped to put an end to Junta government altogether ; by the emergent power of the generals whose incipient Caesarism was represented by Palafox and Cuesta , both of whom were intriguing for political power .
18 59% of respondents disagreed with this proposal , 82% of whom were sole practitioners .
19 Over 67% of respondents agreed with the suggestion , around three-quarters of whom were sole practitioners .
20 He could drink good wine ; eat French food superlatively cooked , and apparently available in abundance ; be waited upon as he had been waited upon in the old days before the war , by a succession of polite , quiet , efficient , well-trained servants , all of whom were Arab , all of whom spoke perfect French .
21 We set off in an open 15-cwt. truck with an Italian driver who had also been a soldier , two Schmeisser machine pistols and a lot of ammunition ; the mountains at that time were infested with bandits , some of whom were Allied and Axis deserters .
22 The only non-BSP members were the new Ministers of Culture and of Science and Higher Education , both of whom were non-party academics .
23 Fishing vessels registered in the register of British vessels under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 were owned or managed by the applicants , companies incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom and their directors and shareholders , most of whom were Spanish nationals .
24 The applicants in the main proceedings , including Factortame Ltd. , were a number of companies incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom and also the directors and shareholders of those companies , most of whom were Spanish nationals .
25 A Spanish parliamentary commission , which had visited El Salvador in November 1990 to investigate the murder of the Jesuits ( five of whom were Spanish ) , reported in its findings on Jan. 29 that the involvement of the Salvadorean armed forces in the murders was evident , and that others apart from the nine soldiers at present accused also bore responsibility .
26 But the most compelling reassurance for townspeople should come from the firefighters themselves , some of whom were uneasy when the shake-up first came to light .
27 It showed a bright-faced man running on a beach with two girls , both of whom were wearing fifties ' bikinis .
28 These are political organisations , many of whom were opposed to the policies , some of whom were obstructive to their implementation .
29 The arguments dragged on for 11 months , during which time the orangs were looked after by volunteers , many of whom were recent graduates in biology from the National University in Jakarta .
30 They should then have told the representatives , all of whom were present the day before , what they intended to do .
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