Example sentences of "[prep] order to get it " in BNC.

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1 I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class .
2 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
3 That meant the tyre would be that amount smaller than the actual wheel , so we had to heat up the tyre to expand it in order to get it on to the rim .
4 You could take it to the kitchen and put it under the grill of the electric cooker in order to get it hot , without knowing why it should be hot .
5 The Spanish economy desperately needed external aid and , in order to get it , economic policy-makers had to accept the prescriptions of their benefactors as to how the economy should be organized .
6 He covets your practice , and in order to get it he 'll play the same trick on you that he played on me . ’
7 So if we get an idea to do something for the residents we do not need to go through endless red tape in order to get it done .
8 Let's straight into seventeen then , I 'll just remind committee that we need to move to the confidential section at five o'clock today in order to get it finished .
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