Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun pl] makes " in BNC.

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1 The absence of a note of the judge 's reasons makes this a difficult exercise .
2 However , the scale of the Bank 's operations makes it improbable that even a substantial increase in its consumer lending would make a very great impact on credit options available to people in lower socio-economic groups .
3 Davenport maintains that the small size and geographical spread of the company 's hotels makes centralized purchasing uneconomic , and that the same argument applies to the personnel function .
4 The smell of lion 's faeces makes red deer extremely nervous even though thousands of years have elapsed since the two species lived together .
5 Feminist psychology 's greater awareness of the discipline 's complexities makes it more conscious of psychologists ' social construction than traditional psychologists are , and more uncertain about psychologists ' status as rational , unified subjects .
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