Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] danger " in BNC.

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1 A survey of the church in Salutation Road last week revealed serious defects in the structure and showed that the roof was in danger of slipping off .
2 In Bangladesh , Oral Rehydration Therapy was in danger of falling into the trap of being inappropriate for the people that it was intended to help .
3 Labour was in danger of backing ‘ the mullahs and the bigots ’ .
4 Indeed Jesus warned that those who came with an attitude of exclusive nationalism or spiritual complacency were in danger of being thrown out ( Matt.
5 Ven was in danger !
6 The first session was in danger of ending in chaos and frustration when a series of planned interventions , approved by Pope John , rescued it .
7 He had left things to others too long , and his sovereignty was in danger of being slighted .
8 Mr Healy claimed that Down District Council was in danger of spending grant aid and ratepayers ' money on a high risk tourist venture and confusing it with economic development .
9 Entries in mixed doubles in international events had dropped dramatically prior to Barcelona and what is seen by many as the most interesting and entertaining discipline in the sport was in danger of extinction .
10 The Party conference was in danger of becoming a music-hall .
11 The serious political consequence was that as royal patronage expanded not only were the voices of royal clerks multiplied but the morale and priorities of the clergy as a whole were in danger of being increasingly swayed by hopes of royal favour .
12 However , the flames were near the petrol tank and the fishing vessel was in danger of being blown up so the skipper had to give the order to abandon ship .
13 Circular shafts were dug down to the seams and coal was then dug away from the sides until the pit was in danger of collapsing , which it eventually did after the pit had been abandoned .
14 Meanwhile , the bank accounts of the firm were blocked , its workers were not being paid , thousands of turkeys were dying of starvation , and the whole enterprise was in danger of destruction .
15 The only relief was occasional stretches of soft sand in which the lorry was in danger of getting stuck .
16 And he told them that was in the flat that you know about and that there was suspicion that other occupants of the flat were in danger .
17 The report showed that some villages in the south of the area were in danger of becoming ‘ ghost villages ’ for months on end — ; for example , in the village of High Nibthwaite only two of the fourteen houses were occupied by people earning a local livelihood .
18 She was admitted to hospital and the baby was induced because the doctors feared both Esther and the baby were in danger .
19 He recognized the feeling was in danger of becoming a passion , but a passion already in decay — mildewed by the awful distrust he could not root out .
20 For Vol'sky , interviewed in the press , the whole area was in danger of becoming the Soviet Union 's ‘ home-grown Lebanon ’ .
21 More people than ever wanted to live there rather than in towns and 79 per cent took the view that the countryside was in danger .
22 Life on the island was in danger of coming to a standstill .
23 Was he human , semi-human , immaculately conceived or was he just a human being who recognised that evil was becoming widespread in the world , and that mankind was in danger of becoming dominated by those who had much to lose if it were suppressed ?
24 At the height of all the media fuss over a comic creation which was basically nothing more than a walking catch-phrase , it seemed as if Enfield 's career was in danger of burning out before it had properly ignited .
25 When actress Leslie Ash was pregnant she was told she was suffering from toxoplasmosis and that her baby was in danger .
26 The man , in his 20s , clung to an overhanging tree when his damaged craft was in danger of carrying him to his death over a raging weir .
27 Mrs Sherwood records an instance in which her brother , who was a clergyman , was summoned to baptise an infant whose life was in danger .
28 Everyone knew his life was in danger .
29 The only exception would be if a child 's life was in danger .
30 In his answer , Gilmore also took up and dismissed as totally unfounded a claim which Paisley had made several weeks earlier in the Commons that his own life was in danger from government agents .
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