Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] often regard " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the machine tool industry is often regarded as a good barometer of the state of the economy as a whole .
2 With justice the treaty of Brétigny is often regarded as the moment at which , for the first time , both sides decided to call a halt and have their willingness to do so formally recognised in a treaty , one of the most important of the whole war .
3 Spelling is often regarded as a totem to be preserved by patriots , rather than a technology , because it was invented thousands of years ago .
4 If the Second World War is often regarded as the watershed of ‘ permissiveness ’ , then those with more educated tastes — who perhaps remember the precipitating crisis of the Public Order Act of 1936 and Mosley 's black shirts , or who might have read the descriptions of pre-war razor gangs in Graham Greene 's Brighton Rock — look back beyond the war before that , to the slumbering golden years of Edwardian England which is one of the most authoritative versions of the true location of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
5 Environmental evidence is often regarded as a special case , but in fact many of the standard techniques of finds analysis are also applied to the study of environmental samples .
6 The woman is often regarded as the nutritional head of the household , and yet she has had little or no training for this job .
7 The female P. pulcherimus is often regarded as a separate species to the male , being quite different in markings .
8 Gedge is often regarded as candid , but he has designed a style of lyric-writing that effectively camouflages his true self .
9 It may seem odd to add computing to mathematics and languages as another basic symbol system , since computing is often regarded ( not least by mathematicians and linguists ) as something less profound , more purely instrumental .
10 This statement is often regarded as a curious relic of the values of bourgeois culture .
11 Such pressure is often regarded as improper and undermining editorial sovereignty and responsibility ; undermining , in other words , ‘ press freedom ’ .
12 Decentralisation is often regarded as a prerequisite of participation and the effective expression of consumer views .
13 As a result speech is often regarded as being easier to recognise than text .
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