Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] have left " in BNC.

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1 He told the ECHO that he thought the teachers ' action which has left thousands of exam papers unopened , was a ‘ great tragedy ’ .
2 The odds on returning at all were fairly poor by the sound of it ; for , according to Ibu , of the ninety prahus which had left Bira the previous year , five had still not returned , and no word had been heard from their crews .
3 They effected a change which has left no corner of our ethics , our imagination , or our daily life untouched , and they erected impassable barriers between us and the classical past or the Oriental present .
4 Birmingham has a fascinating heritage which has left is with a wealth of attractions for the visitor .
5 For Wesker , the fortunes of Shylock have been all too typical of a career plagued by bad luck which has left him with a sizeable canon of rarely performed work .
6 DeRoburt was a key architect of Nauru 's campaign for compensation for the 80 years of phosphate mining which had left 80 per cent of Nauru uninhabitable and incapable of sustaining vegetation .
7 Both my cousins were operators in a cotton mill where Uncle George was a maintenance fitter , a job which had left its mark for he was minus a finger on each hand .
8 Government heads driving to the Nicocea opening found the fifty mile route lined with women , hands linked in protest at the world 's and especially Britain 's failure to reverse the nineteen seventy four invasion which has left thirty seven percent of the island in Turkish hands .
9 The Australian Aboriginals could well be a fugitive branch and now the inheritors of a mother race which has left undeniable proof of its presence in a remote past … ’
10 May we have an early debate on the restructuring that is taking place in Her Majesty 's Customs and Excise which has left Wales 's international airport without customs and passport control ?
11 Either the Psalm gives a very different version of the events of 167 or it refers to some other trouble which has left no trace in our tradition , for instance during the wars of the successors of Alexander at the end of the fourth century .
12 Although Hawke prevailed with a substantial majority , most political commentators believed that it was a pyrrhic victory which had left him considerably weakened and vulnerable to a future challenge .
13 Registered as blind , Gail Thompson from South Oxfordshire also has a degenerative illness which has left her wheelchair bound .
14 Another of the marks of belonging is a willingness to face the opposition of ‘ the world ’ ( a technical term in the Johannine literature to indicate society which has left God out ) , and to get involved in the loving fellowship of the family of Christ .
15 POLICE last night repeated their appeal for witnesses to a town centre attack which has left a young man fighting for his life .
16 The ship which had left Hong Kong two days earlier was heading south towards the equator under a fierce afternoon sun , and in the sweltering darkness between decks , three hundred Chinese coolies and their families jostled together in silence , straining up towards the fresh air currents playing beyond the iron grilles that confined them .
17 The time for Eliot is just after the passing of ‘ the dark dove with the flickering tongue ’ , a German plane which has left behind a city every bit as much of a waste land as the earlier poem 's London , though now the ‘ crowd ’ has gone , leaving only the speaker who , ‘ before the urban dawn wind ’ , communicates with the ghost .
18 Junod , it will be recalled , proposed that the maternal uncle 's indulgent behaviour was to be explained by an earlier matrilineal ( or ‘ matri-archal ’ ) phase which had left its mark on the now formally patriarchal BaThonga .
19 Dad what 's left over is my favourite dad , have all of this .
20 That is how the former SAS officer sums up his most recent adventure : the first crossing of Antarctica , the coldest place on earth , on foot , an expedition which has left him , not for the first time in his life , with severe frostbite.He is a man of extremes : in 1991 he led an international team which discovered the lost city of Ubar , in the hottest desert in the world , in Arabia.He will be talking about the ‘ hot and cold experience , ’ as he puts it , at Snape Maltings on Saturday April 24 .
21 It is these needs rather than those of the plant which have left us still looking for the right materials .
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