Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [adv] ran " in BNC.

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1 During the Giscard Presidency : the news and current affairs coverage satisfied no-one : neither the President , who thought — and said — that the journalists of the state television had been better disposed toward his predecessors ; nor the socialist and communist opposition which periodically ran campaigns in favour of the freedom of news broadcasting . ’
2 They lived in a house in the Terrace , and eventually my father was sent to Ampleforth in Yorkshire , a Benedictine monastery which also ran a boarding school .
3 There were fruit trees amongst the flowers , here a pear tree , there a currant bush , so that one could either smell a rose , crush a verbena , or eat a fruit ; there were borders of box , but also of sorrel and chibol ; and the stiff battalion of leeks , shallots , and garlic , the delicate pale-green foliage of the carrot , the aggressive steel-grey leaves of the artichokes , the rows of lettuce which always ran to seed too quickly .
4 Of the reason for this incredible experience , there can be little doubt that it was the supernatural echoes of the train which once ran along that peaceful little branch line .
5 ‘ What the State expected in return was some sort of obedience and a loyalty which often ran directly counter to the truth .
6 Paula last appeared at the Playhouse as Shirley Valentine in a production which later ran in the West End .
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