Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] fallen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the final session , the average frequency of waking had fallen to once or twice a week and once or twice a night ; settling time had decreased .
2 Ron 's glance had fallen upon the huge mound of nettle roots and bramble stems that was the product of Edward 's afternoon .
3 Certainly by 1100 the whole episode had fallen into almost complete oblivion .
4 The club had fallen on hard times , and the arrival of a travelling circus of the long hairs , trainee freaks and happening performers seemed like a good idea .
5 By May 1990 circulation had fallen to 450,000 from a peak of 1,000,000 .
6 The orientation and position of the model was refined as a rigid body in X-plor ; after this procedure the R -factor had fallen to 30% .
7 Her handbag had fallen behind the car seat when she 'd stopped at the traffic lights in town so several minutes were lost as she scrabbled for her pass , then when she drove into the car park she could n't immediately find a space and had to drive round several times .
8 Ulster champion jockey Paddy Graffin was taken to hospital with an injured hand after Late Stretch had fallen in the Mares Race , but he returned in time to ride Glenmavis in the final race .
9 After some years of struggling anxiously with the knotty complexities of Catholic devotion before the reforms of the Second Vatican Council , I found The Cloud of Unknowing 's stark insistence on the one thing necessary deeply liberating and felt that a weight had fallen from my shoulders .
10 The blonde braid had fallen over her shoulder , shining honey-gold against the vivid jade of the T-shirt dress she 'd worn for the trip out here .
11 No snow had fallen during our stay at Glastonbury but the sky was growing overcast and threatening .
12 Heavy snow had fallen in Frome the day before that , the deepest since 1767 , and conditions were dismal .
13 A fresh sheet of snow had fallen in the night which now lay two or three inches thick , the cold wind freezing it hard .
14 Rusche and Kirchheimer themselves admit ( 1939 : 102 ) that imprisonment became the standard method of punishment at a time when the demand for prison labour had fallen as a result of technological and other developments .
15 In the pre-campaign week , the effect of political interest on public awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was 36 per cent and 45 per cent , respectively ; but by the last fortnight of the campaign its effect had fallen to 17 per cent and 20 per cent respectively .
16 But in the massive ballroom across the way there were only a few chairs and a sideboard or two , and even on a dismal day the light had fallen on the intricate design of a wooden parquet floor and pretty chiaroscuro frescoes painted into the panels of gracefully arched walls .
17 The sapling trees had grown tall in the twenty-five years since the Beeching axe had fallen on the single railway track , and , even leafless as they were , they effectively screened the view from the top .
18 The Labour share of the popular vote had fallen from 50.4 per cent in 1945 to 49.2 per cent , but the party had lost nearly 100 seats .
19 Below him he could hear the passing wail of sirens , a familiar sound after dark had fallen over the city .
20 By March 1985 the figure had fallen to 21 per cent .
21 In that year about 21 per cent of all Africa 's earnings from exports were accounted for by payment of principal and interest on debt ; by 1987 the figure had fallen to 14 per cent and was likely to decrease further .
22 By 1989 a survey showed that London 's figure had fallen to 21.3% ; there are no recent figures for New York , but the trend is similar .
23 But whereas , in 1981 , 14,250 books sold for every title published , in 1987 that figure had fallen to 10,913 .
24 From 1981 to 1985 the figure had fallen to about 0.33 per cent per annum , and London actually gained population in 1984 , thus reversing a long period of decline .
25 Recent changes in large household sizes have been even more spectacular — in 1971 6 per cent of households contained six or more persons : by 1985 , this figure had fallen to 2 per cent ( General Household Survey 1985 , 1987 , Table 3.11 ) .
26 Tall blocks ( five or more storeys ) accounted for 26 per cent of all local authority buildings in 1966 , though by 1970 the figure had fallen to 10 per cent in the aftermath of the Ronan Point disaster in 1968 , in the London Borough of Newham when , following a gas explosion , a structural failure resulted in partial collapse .
27 Is the Minister aware that there were more than 17,000 people employed in the Scottish coal industry in 1984 , but by 1989 that figure had fallen to 3,480 and it will be even smaller now ?
28 Last year that figure had fallen to just 7,800 properties .
29 In 1977 , RENFE manual staff worked an average of about seven hours per week overtime , but the figure had fallen to about 4–5 hours per week by 1983 ( based on IGAE 1984 : 14 ) , and total overtime hours were some 15 million for the year ( compared with around 60 million — including Sunday working — in BR ) .
30 Reports quoting LTTE sources said on Nov. 25 that an important Army camp at Mankulam in the north-east had fallen to LTTE rebels , with hundreds of casualties on both sides .
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