Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] an attempt " in BNC.

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1 Dexter wondered if his vagueness was due to the shock of his wife 's murder or an attempt to gain time .
2 It is only at the end of a session when creativity is exhausted that the results are subjected to criticism and appraisal and an attempt is made to analyse what has been suggested .
3 What is given here , however , is not a review of the literature nor an attempt to make generalisations about all workers and all managers .
4 At the Party convention two groups split away , Henry Wallace , calling for a radical policy at home and an attempt to settle differences with the USSR abroad , led an independent Progressive Party .
5 This is not a ‘ killjoy ’ attitude but an attempt to guard against the dehydration produced by the dry air in the cabin .
6 The ‘ Functional Approach ’ : There are fewer though more frequent harvests , with less replication and an attempt is made to fit a function to the data .
7 Yet back at Pig Street the diminished family-Charles himself , Elizabeth , Sarah , Mary and young Ben — had plenty to occupy themselves with , apart from a period of mourning and an attempt to keep warm .
8 The epidemic took hold during the 1970s , when high rates of income tax and an attempt by successive governments to control pay made the company-owned car a good way of rewarding people surreptitiously .
9 The League ruled that the striking off of Grima from the Widnes register and an attempt to replace him with the Tongan forward , Boblyn Tuavao , was ‘ unacceptable ’ .
10 The Commission accused Macierewicz of " hypocrisy and an attempt to avoid the eventual legal consequences " in claiming that the documents were " informative " rather than lists of collaborators ' names as the Sejm resolution demanded .
11 The phrase ‘ a collision or an attempt to avoid a collision ’ is to be interpreted in its widest sense .
12 For the purposes of Clause ( 4 ) of the Agreement , in the event of glass ) being broken or fuel pumps damaged as a result of a collision or an attempt to avoid a collision between two or more vehicles , the intention is that the Immobile Property Insurer shall only recover in total 75% of their loss provided that they have signed this Agreement with the Insurers of the vehicles concerned .
13 Battery and fuel switches were turned off either just before or after ground impact and an attempt was made to close the thrust levers , but these would not move .
14 Ostensibly a dispute concerning the protection of a closed-shop arrangement and an attempt to resist the introduction of new technology , it is clear that the strike was symptomatic of Eddie Shah 's ( the newspaper proprietor 's ) intention to strike a blow against trade-union power .
15 Competition within the white collar section is another nail in the coffin and an attempt to reduce to the paying conditions .
16 The new life turned into marriage , my birth and an attempt to start a business with some of his demob money ; he and his brother rented shop premises to sell painting and decorating materials .
17 It can not be dealt with fully here for lack of space but an attempt will be made to summarise the main features and dimensions of the divide .
18 This is not a total misuse of the word but an attempt to describe the process where a wide range of possibilities , some wilder than others , some orthodox some not , are considered .
19 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
20 Failure led him to mass manipulation and an attempt to revolutionize British politics from outside the system .
21 Joyce , frustrated , moved on to consideration of yesterday 's weather , complaints about the new trainee and an attempt to enlist Helen 's support in resisting the county librarian 's enthusiasm for a local history section at Spaxton .
22 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
23 This combination of an insistence on the relativity of history and an attempt to express the significance of Jesus in terms which appeal to something more universal than the concrete particular person of Jesus himself was indeed widely characteristic of much nineteenth-century thought .
24 Ulceration occurs because of an imbalance between agressive and defensive forces within the duodenum and an attempt has been made to elucidate the pathomechanism of this ulder by determining acid and pepsin secretion .
25 With this militant atheism came a ruthless drive against Christianity and an attempt to overthrow traditional ethics as the vestiges of an outmoded and regressive bourgeois morality .
26 Some of the apparently contradictory findings from such studies are then discussed in some detail and an attempt is made to reconcile the differences in results from different types of research .
27 We have already noted how deviance is amplified upon the application of the gouger typification , so that the failure to apply it can result in a dissipation of deviance and an attempt to normalize the behaviour .
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