Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] be clear " in BNC.

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1 As the purpose of teaching is to produce a planned change in students , it is essential that those whose responsibility it is to produce the change should be clear not only about their intentions but about the assumptions on which those intentions are based .
2 Not all the terms of a statute may be clear and unambiguous ; hence they will need interpretation or construction .
3 Your mind must be clear just before and as you attack .
4 If the courts were to develop the idea that all errors of law are jurisdictional , defined the word law in a purely analytical way so that it embraced any , or almost any application of a statutory term and substituted judgment on the meaning of that term , then a prospective applicant would be clear that the courts would intervene using that standard .
5 If in Murder in the Cathedral he had chosen a particular martyrdom which functioned as a bloody , savage ritual , then in the plays which followed , connections with primitive ritual would be clearer — if anything , as Eliot later feared when thinking of The Family Reunion , too clear , the primitive outline getting in the way of the Christian story .
6 ‘ Hide under the table , mademoiselle , and when I am in my room I will bang on the floor and the coast will be clear . ’
7 The proposals mean that joint local planning and action will continue to be essential , but that responsibilities and accountability for the plans and action will be clearer than they are now … it must be emphasised that effective co-operation at the local level will be essential , both to the success of individual projects and , more broadly , if the whole range of community care services is to be delivered effectively .
8 First , the law must be clear .
9 It was further submitted by Mr. Coghlan that it is important in this field that the law should be clear and simple : it is for a coroner to ask himself on any given state of fact whether he would describe the death as unnatural or not .
10 The onus of proof must therefore lie heavily upon the advocacy of the capital penalty : the counterbalancing benefit must be clear and considerable .
11 When you start work your desk should be clear of paper .
12 the long-standing problem with the Mercury cables under the ballast seem to be resolved and it is understood that these are being moved now and the route could be clear within days .
13 The administration 's success or failure may be clear at the end of the summer ; very little is clear now .
14 The point may be clearer if we consider a possible reaction to the expression , ‘ Roses are red , violets are blue ’ being included in ( 5 ) after the speaker has said nobody was trained in its use .
15 From the field staff 's point of view it is essential that the parameters in any consent should be clear and unambiguous .
16 However the point should be clear .
17 But the point should be clear .
18 It is not an analogy to be pushed too far , but the point should be clear by now .
19 The offeror should be clear as to what minimum percentage of the target 's share capital it is willing to accept in order to meet its key objectives .
20 Before considering the strategies to be used in teaching history the teacher should be clear about the objectives he or she has in mind .
21 That is , instead of : finite , infinite , finish , final ; or in a ‘ phonemic ’ version , fieniet , infinit , finish , fienal ; both meaning and sound could be clear in , finite , infinit , finish , finel .
22 The fruits of diversification will be clear even to the most sceptical observers in another few years , they claim , when the company 's new subsidiaries will help Mercedes build still better cars while the company 's ability to throw resources into fast-growing high-tech areas will give it an edge in those markets .
23 However , given the nature of Scotland , with its urban concentration in the central belt , we accept the need to limit the numbers bought by one purchaser and will consider what can be said in the disposal programme , by which time the picture will be clearer .
24 This evening will be clear and cold ; temperatures falling to below freezing .
25 The therapist should be clear about his purpose in encouraging expression of bottled-up emotions .
26 The water should be clear , well-oxygenated , kept at about 26.7°s ; C and have a salinity of not less than 1.025 .
27 The light may be flickering wildly , but my head must be clear , my thoughts steady .
28 Still , she would have done her bit and her conscience would be clear .
29 At least your conscience will be clear .
30 The forecaster and the marketing manager must be clear about , for instance , the impact on market share of advertising , pricing policy , levels of distribution , and customer access to products , salesforce efforts , and the need for segment-specific products .
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