Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] heard " in BNC.

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1 ANYONE who thinks the 44-game season is worth preserving should have heard the Thistle assistant manager , Gerry Collins , describe this disappointing match as ‘ an end-of-season-game ’ .
2 The stranger must have heard everything , even how they had robbed Mr Sowerberry !
3 The girl must have heard him but she gave no sign .
4 Yet outside of her home in east Belfast , few people in tennis would have heard of 16 year old Zara Wolsley .
5 Jesus ' fame had spread all over the region ; Matthew , as a man in the centre of the financial world of that place must have heard of Jesus already .
6 Fenella must have heard me , as she appeared at her door as I reached the first landing .
7 Colleagues , as , as conference will have heard from the mover of motion three , motion six , not prepared to withdraw and the C E C is therefore asking you to oppose both .
8 And the ‘ they ’ of more or less the whole town will have heard too .
9 My friend must have heard it from him , and after you left remembered and telephoned me .
10 In interpreting ambiguous primary legislation or in construing common law powers , the Court could have heard Convention-based arguments and , if convinced by them , acted upon them .
11 It is a system where a reasonably educated person would have heard of Homer but never of Kalidas , of Ibsen but rarely of Tagore , of Joan of Arc but not of the Rani of Jhansi ( another woman who took arms to try to drive the British out of her country ) , of Goethe but not of his contemporary the great Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib .
12 I have no announcement to make about that at present , but , as the hon. Gentleman will have heard , I made it clear that the discounts would apply to water and sewerage .
13 I do not have any comment to make on that ship at the moment , but the hon. Gentleman will have heard what I said to my hon. Friend the Member for Tynemouth ( Mr. Trotter ) about the aviation support ship , for which Swan 's is obviously one of the real contenders .
14 My right hon. Friend will have heard in recent Question Times much about medicine in London .
15 The instructor must have heard my screams as I felt myself being dragged out as I gasped for air .
16 Whoever was in the flat must have heard the muffled sound of the closing door and was going through into the bedroom to have a look out of the window .
17 Anyone who has tuned into motor racing on the television will have heard this effect .
18 He tried , I heard him ; he could n't make a fuss , Mum would have heard .
19 The civilian operator who took the SOS call may have heard the voice of her killer .
20 Do you think the the occupants of the bed would have heard that ?
21 The issue here was whether a chamber of commerce textile arbitration should have heard expert evidence .
22 " Your grandfather might have heard it called the felty , or the pigeon felty or even the blue felty — and I think some call it fell fo ! "
23 Packed with roots and culture discourse ( white people who think they 're black , dreadlocks , the limitations of rap as a revolutionary force ) , Vibe also delivers moody profiles of the impeccably hardcore ( Naughty By Nature , Super Cat ) alongside bankable acts a studio executive might have heard mentioned at a funky party ( Bobby Brown , LL Cool J ) .
24 ‘ The world is crumbling around me , Wilson , ’ she said , the words so faint only a finely attuned ear could have heard them .
25 A human would have heard the click and buzz of crickets and other small mysterious creatures whose role in life is to sit in bushes all night and make noises that are a lot bigger than they are .
26 We know they did n't escape because we would have heard , the whole country would have heard .
27 Certainly most members of the general public will have heard of the Draize test for detecting the irritant potential of cosmetics , or perhaps the more widely used LD50 , nor will they have been spared photographs of immobilised creatures in plaintive lines .
28 Her mother must have heard her sigh .
29 Real last-gasp stuff : it happened in the eye of a storm of tears that the whole house must have heard with horror .
30 If it were , as is being currently assumed , an omission to raise points on which the House would have heard counsel , the most obvious forum in which to resuscitate the appeal would be the House of Lords itself .
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