Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] taking [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Species that were numerous around the boat and which were caught for a cursory examination only ’ were released again alive , ‘ the operation ’ , Gould maintained , giving ‘ not the least pain to the bird , the point of the hook merely taking hold in the horny and insensible tip of the beak . ’
2 There will be the closures and mothballing of pits , there will be a reduction of Apex jobs under the reorganization now taking place and steps towards privatization will begin .
3 We doubt the accuracy of the 1990/91 analysis as to the proportion of effort assigned to different sectors of inspectors ’ activities , and reflect back to GAMTA 's 1983 submission to the CAA review then taking place when we recommended … that there should be more delegation of record checking to junior staff and even greater delegation of inspection functions to authorised personnel within AOC operations .
4 The Congress opened on March 28 , but adjourned after emergency votes concerning the confrontation currently taking place close to the Kremlin between security forces and pro-Yeltsin demonstrators [ see p. 38080 ] .
5 As a result of these meeting it is hoped that Catholics around the regions can link with each other , and with other Christians , to support the enormous amount of work already taking place .
6 Because then they could see the conservatory gradually taking shape
7 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
8 THE British National Championships at Crystal Palace at the weekend once again saw Wolverhampton dominate the proceedings , with their fighters Elvis Gordon , at heavyweight , Densign White , at middleweight , Fitzroy Davies , at light-middleweight , and Owen Pinnock the bantamweight all taking gold medals .
9 THE British National Championships at Crystal Palace at the weekend once again saw Wolverhampton dominate the proceedings , with their fighters Elvis Gordon , at heavyweight , Densign White , at middleweight , Fitzroy Davies , at light-middleweight , and Owen Pinnock the bantamweight all taking gold medals .
10 He might even be Puddephat 's own son , she thought , her imagination suddenly taking flight .
11 In that same instant , the Angel Two launched himself out of his chair , the speed of his reaction almost taking Grant by surprise in turn .
12 In both cases these are intellectuals talking about their own work by linking it with a process continually taking place at a popular level and in everyday life .
13 and w we have n't suggested that , that there was a revolution already taking place .
14 In Zimbabwe today , education must fundamentally orient itself towards the revolutionary transformation now taking place in many spheres of our society .
15 I work at a distribution centre , where there is continuous shiftwork , which means that women and men are walking home at all hours of day and night often taking short-cuts across playing fields and waste land , totally unaware of the potential dangers .
16 And er , as you 'll see , probably next week 's , I 'm not going to get to this now , er , next week , or possible the week after , even , depending on how long it takes me to get there , I will suggest to you that the revolution now taking place in behavioural science , does suggest wh what they are , and that there are in fact some deeply countering intuitive insights , erm , into this whole issue , which have only emerged in the last few years .
17 One such development currently taking place at Mitcham concerns an historical file to store personnel events for up to five years .
18 As there was a London bus strike actually taking place this threat , even if it materialized , seemed fairly peripheral to the success or otherwise of the Coronation .
19 But he , he is envisaging , in the passage that I , that I quoted , the community as a whole actually taking action against a rogue legislative body .
20 He worked all through the war at the steelworks , working till nine at night never taking time for the castings to cool .
21 So Sinead O'Connor — probably our last remaining real rock star , a maverick , a 1000 per cent attack merchant constantly taking convention by the neck and shaking it the way a terrier shakes a rat , the woman who stormed into the Irish PM 's office over the abortion issue , who refused to sing the US national anthem , who correctly pointed out that George Bush leaves Saddam Hussein standing in the mass-murder stakes , who has exposed her own sad past in vivid , gory detail , whose every record has fully stretched and excited the expectations of her audience — has released a version of Loretta Lynn 's maudlin Country classic .
22 Perhaps the disaster had reinforced the belief already taking shape in his mind , that something was deeply wrong with the Soviet system .
23 The revised proposal was debated at the Extraordinary General Meeting on May 20th , 1983 , with a separate discussion on the question of the Committee constitution also taking place ; this new proposal was a virtual mirror image of the 1982 amendment which had been disregarded by the President at the Extraordinary General Meeting of that year !
24 Wasps are prepared to sacrifice the mobility which Gary Holmes and Paddy Dunston provided when Rendall and Probyn , the England props , made a delayed start to the season after taking part in the World XV tour to South Africa .
25 In Chile , in an address to the Congress , Bush stated that the country 's economic policies put it in the " forefront of the free-market movement now taking hold across Latin America " and that this made it a " prime candidate " for debt relief proposed under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative .
26 The flexibility of ECP programmes , with issuance often taking place within a day of the decision to issue being taken , means that it is relatively easy to take advantage of such short term opportunities .
27 Second announcement is the Victoria county history exhibition , I wish to bring to members attention bring members attention to the Victoria county history exhibition currently taking place in the old county hall foyer .
28 ‘ Will he be here for dinner ? ’ asked my mother , the cook briefly taking precedence over the hostess .
29 One of the consequences of the marketisation and political pluralisation now taking place in central and Eastern Europe in the wake of the revolutions of 1989 is the removal of the state administered system of full employment and price subsidy .
30 I stuttered , my usual cowardice now taking hold .
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