Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a floor " in BNC.

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1 One reason for the upward straggle is the existence of a floor of zero dollars below which no country can fall ( in theory ) , whereas there is no ceiling .
2 The duty includes the provision of a floor of social entitlements . ’
3 Suddenly the ground fell away before them and they came out on an open plateau with a floor of chequered marble , white on black , and a wide stone staircase with balustrades running down to the dried bed of an ornamental lake , which the mist turned to a bowl of milk .
4 One building beneath the Cathedral apparently contained an apse with a floor of opus signinum , suggesting perhaps the site of a bath-house hypocaust since the floor was covered by a thick deposit of ash .
5 If the source of the sound is standing on a solid object , like a radio on a table , or a washing machine on a floor , the vibrations will be set up in the solid object , and will travel along it , carrying the noise through to the next room , and even to the next house .
6 Once he saw a glade , a secret place with a floor of pale , sandy soil .
7 It 's no good putting floorcovering of any sort on a floor that is n't sound .
8 Normally , the whole of a floor is tessellated .
9 The RSPCA had come to the farm to see if Mr Perry needed any help , but they became worried about the condition of some of the livestock , these cows for instance , kept in a shed with just deep mud for a floor .
10 At that time , I could have got that girl a bed straight away in a decent place — I am not talking about a mattress on a floor .
11 All storage buildings exceeding 7080m3 in cubical extent , or exceeding 25 m in height with a floor area exceeding 929 m2 erected within the Inner London Boroughs would be subject to control under section 20 of the London Building Acts ( Amendment ) Act 1939 .
12 To reach Ireby , descend alongside the wall heading south-west , crossing it where convenient and continuing down the other side until confronted by a large shakehole with a floor of boulders .
13 Rennie Hamilton came from behind the counter of the village store and picked her way across a floor that was crowded with display stands and boxes , craning to catch a glimpse of the Rover and its occupants as it sped on past the hotel and towards the lake .
14 At about nine pm one dark evening , a log fell out of the fire onto a floor cushion where the cat was washing herself .
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