Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] this century " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a chain effect during this century , ’ he explains .
2 For the bulk of this century a favoured organism for geneticists to study , because of the ease with which it can be maintained , its rapid breeding cycle and the possibility of studying populations of many thousands , has been the tiny fruit fly ( sometimes called vinegar fly ) , Drosophila melanogaster , which gathers like specks of coaldust , seemingly magnetically attracted to over-ripe fruit .
3 There was a man way back at the beginnin' of this century made an elixir of it , sent it to all the crowned heads of Europe , the Pope , too .
4 The weight of these and other arguments has , without question , sharply shifted the balance in favour of the president in this century .
5 For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century .
6 The tradition , which goes back at least 2,500 years , continued until the early part of this century .
7 During the early part of this century , the major fishery was for sardines , but local stocks suffered and the industry collapsed in the 1940s .
8 The last surviving cloth mill was Peghouse Mill , nearer to Stroud , although still in Painswick Parish , which finally closed its doors in the early part of this century .
9 On the contrary , the most telling message which these interviews have to convey is the great variety not only in circumstance , but also in responses to later life of the older generation in the earlier part of this century .
10 It is during the latter part of this century , however , that historic barns and other traditional rural buildings have faced their greatest threat .
11 But what differentiates the earlier part of this century from either the present or the early nineteenth century is that these problems did not all coalesce into one disturbing image of a threatening , dangerous , and disorderly criminal class .
12 However , if oil prices do harden in the latter part of this century the $2.5–3.5 billion lost following the 1982 price fall could be recouped with interest .
13 None of these constraints , incidentally , had much to do with the novelty of women directors within their national traditions ; all four could point to predecessors , especially in the earlier part of this century when the film industry was being established .
14 The most famous of these was F W Taylor 's theory of scientific management , set out in a series of publications in the early part of this century .
15 There appears to have been a greater interest in orthogenesis in the earlier part of this century and writers such as Berg considered the subject in some depth .
16 The study of bumps on the skull as a guide to a person 's character had its heyday as a ‘ science ’ in the 19th century , falling to the level of a fairground act by the early part of this century .
17 Public opinion in general is turning to a more natural approach both to the environment and to health as a reaction to the increasingly mechanized view of man and society which has been developing throughout the greater part of this century .
18 At one stage two large windows were let into the wall each side of the rose window to give more light , but these were removed when the cathedral was restored in the early part of this century as they were not in keeping with the original design .
19 Also very important are the writings of Fernando Pessoa , dating from the early part of this century .
20 Braverman ( 1974 , 81 ) quotes J. R. Commons ' description of a meatpacking conveyor in the USA in the early part of this century to illustrate this point :
21 Then , in the early part of this century , the quantum theory appeared ; its details need not concern us except for the fact that it implied that all forms of matter and energy came in tiny discrete packages called quanta ( by ‘ discrete ’ is meant that you can not have half a quantum ) .
22 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
23 We saw in Chapter 1 that , in Britain , there is some dispute as to when rehabilitation began to make serious inroads into penal practice : Foucault saw it as manifesting itself in the rise of the prison as the dominant penal institution ; Garland puts it much later , in the early part of this century .
24 The show reconstructs the collection of Woodlands and Plains Indian material assembled in the early part of this century by two midwestern amateurs , Milford Chandler ( d. 1981 ) and Richard Pohrt .
25 Laslett ( 1972 ) has demonstrated unambiguously that three generation or extended households were not the norm in pre-industrial times for the simple reason that comparatively few older people were found in the population before the later part of this century .
26 In the early part of this century the mountain had a sinister reputation , and Ewen MacAskill found it to be no pushover .
27 Certainly Havelock Ellis in the early part of this century was able to write that it ‘ scarcely appears to excite profound repulsion in a large proportion of the population of civilised countries ’ , and he mentioned specifically that working-class women often resorted to it .
28 All date from the turn and early part of this century , two undergoing restoration , one being repaired and an interesting and varied collection of petrol and diesel locomotives , coaches and wagons .
29 A similar comment can be made on the fierce struggle for women 's suffrage in Britain in the early part of this century .
30 And indeed in the early part of this century and the nineteenth century elections have been held on Monday , Wednesday Tuesday never a Friday , never a Saturday , never a Sunday .
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