Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] girl [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is to revamp its image with new uniforms , including ‘ 100 per cent polyester chiffon ’ saris and woollen capes .
2 This is an elderly Englishwoman who has ‘ inherited ’ from an aunt her engagement with ‘ the struggle against the mutilation of girl children ’ , or female circumcision .
3 The buck-toothed actress behind girl mechanic Charlene — one K Minogue — took Nick Berry 's course of action , stormed the charts and guaranteed the junior Antipodean Crossroads a massive cultural grip on the nation 's consciousness .
4 She wanted desperately to make him understand that she was n't the kind of girl Giles had labelled her .
5 John Parkes feels they attract a different kind of girl fan from the ones normally associated with rock groups .
6 She does n't look like the kind of girl men want to be parted from for too long ! ’
7 The headline in the London Evening Standard 's report — I 'm sorry , says man on murder charge — was transformed the next day into the more familiar story of girl hitch-hiker getting herself into trouble .
8 The company is donating £500 from the British Gas South Western Community Relations Fund for the provision of girls soccer skills tuition at Hartcliffe School .
9 A child at Harrow costs £11,925 ( $18,600 ) basic a year ; at Eton £11,610 and at Roedean for girls £11,655 .
10 Among the ‘ lower caste ’ people , the woman 's role had always been rather different from her role in the farming castes ; now ‘ lower caste ’ women worked increasingly in the fields alongside the men and this led , according to Mamdani , to ‘ a radical change … in the attitude towards girl children … low caste families do not look upon the birth of a girl with the disfavour they used to ’ — though ‘ to a certain extent the disfavour persists because the girl will marry and emigrate precisely when she has reached the age of greatest productivity ’ .
11 You were just a junior , a sort of Girl Friday with no qualifications , hoping to learn the ropes . ’
12 Shortly after taking over the shop Alfred fell in love with the sort of girl men have fantasies about , and she seemed to respond .
13 The distinction may not seem an essential one , but there is a difference : " strike-breaking " suggests a degree of capability for the work and willingness to do it which may have been possessed by the " rats " of " London and Liverpool " , 28 but was unlikely to have been displayed by the handful of girl apprentices actually engaged during the strike .
14 I dare n't say about the future but I have been doing some stuff with girls teen magazines .
15 An ad for the Yorkshire TV soap in girls magazine More ! featured a teenage couple locked in a passionate embrace .
16 Pornography and a fear of rape play a huge part in girls mistrust of their own bodies .
17 A further example of the assumption that women should be willing to provide sex for interested men seems implicit in the Sun headline — LANDLORD 'S DEATH LUST FOR GIRL Lodger shunned sex .
18 There have also been reports of selective abortion of girl babies in Britain , the US and Australia .
19 The 1910 dispute , when the male compositors finally succeeded in putting a stop to the recruitment of girl apprentices to the trade , was not simply a battle of the sexes .
20 As we have already seen , recruitment of girl apprentices increased during the 1890s and especially the 1900s .
21 But the neglect of girl children through the centuries of theorising is more than a social injustice , though many might think this real and bad enough .
22 The male/female ratio was 1,000 to 929 , suggesting continuing relative neglect of girl babies .
23 ‘ . Girls of seven or eight could mind the baby , one of the most frequent excuses that parents offered to the school attendance officers for the absence of girl children .
24 Tania disappeared after visiting gas worker Mr Probyn to discuss custody of girls Natalie , four , and Bryony , eight .
25 A JUDGE who told a young robber with girl trouble that it was a female 's role to upset men insisted yesterday : ‘ I 'm no sexist . ’
26 The National Curriculum will , however , give a greater number of girls exposure to the physical sciences , in which as pupils and employees in industry they are still under-represented .
27 Many things had fallen into place as a result of his father 's explanation : drawings on lavatory walls , the shape of girl babies , the strange scufflings in Jimmy Thompson 's rabbit hutch when they put the black buck Jumbo in with Snow White …
28 ‘ In those days you had a proper band with a brass section and a couple of girl backing singers , ’ says Jim , who met his wife Eileen at the club .
29 As we pass a couple of girl guests clad in complete colour-coordinated beachwear outfits , they whisper about us .
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