Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] could possibly " in BNC.

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1 What other Fourth Division club could possibly consider facing that sort of challenge ? ’
2 A final significance here is that Klementiev 's silver medal could possibly be the last ever to be won by the USSR .
3 Combined , these senses make the shark 's world more remarkable than any celluloid image could possibly convey .
4 For example , neutron activation analysis ( see glossary ) , one of the techniques used to determine the composition of ancient ceramics , would be impossible without a computer program , since the calculations required are so complex and extensive that not even the most resilient individual armed with a pocket calculator could possibly complete them in a single lifetime .
5 To achieve this end , Sir Edward had to overcome the parochial instincts of many teachers who felt , with some justification , that no Whitehall mandarin or local authority bureaucrat could possibly understand the problems or needs of the particular children they were teaching .
6 Obversely he comments that , whilst the history department at Birkbeck College in London got a well-deserved five in the latest research assessment exercise — neither the quality of the research not its subject area could possibly be seen as being solely dependent on the strengths of the library of that college .
7 In private , many of the more orthodox Muslim nobles furrowed their brows and wondered how the crown prince could possibly declare , as one noble put it , infidelity and Islam to be twin brothers ' .
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