Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] suggested that " in BNC.

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1 The Marshal had wandered through into the dining-room where lined foolscap and a box of pens and pencils lying between a pair of silver candlesticks suggested that the oak table was used for homework rather than for dining .
2 Industry sources suggested that Williams Holdings , the conglomerate , or Triplex Lloyd , the foundries and building components company which owns 1.6 per cent of Neill , might be planning a bid .
3 ( Industry analysts suggested that prices at this level were likely in the short term only if Libya withdrew supplies in retaliation against Western countries over the current sanctions issue — see p. 38883 — but conceded that the general trend of the market was upwards . )
4 Intelligence experts suggested that only they would have the equipment and technical expertise to intercept and re-broadcast high quality recordings of mobile phone calls .
5 Intelligence experts suggested that only they would have the equipment and technical expertise to intercept and re-broadcast high quality recordings of mobile phone calls .
6 Allied intelligence assessments suggested that the Communist offensive in Korea was a preliminary skirmish to draw Anglo-American forces eastwards , and to hold them in the Far East while Soviet forces destabilized the politically shaky states of Western Europe .
7 Eye-witness reports suggested that at least 47 civilians were killed and 102 wounded when allied aircraft destroyed a bridge in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah on Feb. 4 .
8 Reaction among Arab and other Gulf war allies suggested that the depth of Arab hostility had accounted for delays in implementing the plan .
9 Social security officials suggested that they sell some of their furniture and the television before receiving help .
10 Radioactive tracer studies suggested that the increase in the SCC reflected a change in sodium and chloride transport from net absorption to net secretion .
11 Even after his arrest opinion surveys suggested that Barry retained considerable support and that many of his constituents believed him to have been the victim of a vindictive campaign of persecution by the federal authorities .
12 Opinion surveys suggested that this factor , together with the country 's recent economic malaise ( including a slowing rate of growth and sharply rising prices and rents — see pp. 37375-76 ) , resulted in the popularity of the government falling to around 12 per cent , the lowest rating ever achieved by Roh .
13 Opinion surveys suggested that , despite the drug charges , Barry retained an impressive personal following , particularly within the city 's 70 per cent black community .
14 Although opinion surveys suggested that most blacks rejected this notion , there appeared to be a growing acceptance of the concept that the factual reality of an event was subordinate to the racial resonance which it evoked .
15 Opinion surveys suggested that he would enter the election as the clear favourite against Harris Wofford , the Democrat who had been appointed by the state governor to fill the vacancy temporarily and who had been selected by the Democrats as their candidate for the forthcoming election .
16 As flotation advisers suggested that as many as two million people could have applied for shares after a last-minute surge of applications , he added that the issue would be a big step towards the Government 's goal of increasing the level of share-ownership .
17 Moreover , opinion polls suggested that huge majorities opposed the sale of the water and electricity industries .
18 Opinion polls suggested that the centre parties would have been hard put to deliver many of their supporters to Labour under an electoral pact .
19 In Victoria the opinion polls suggested that the ALP would be defeated at the next election .
20 Opinion polls suggested that Bush was losing ground within the state to his main challenger , Patrick Buchanan , who continued to campaign effectively on an " America First " platform of right-wing isolationism .
21 Opinion polls suggested that about a third of the 8,400,000 people who had been issued vouchers intended to place them with funds set up by banks or private financial groups .
22 García went underground and issued calls for national resistance , but this found little echo on the streets , and subsequent opinion polls suggested that Fujimori retained the overwhelming confidence of the public .
23 By the end of August the opinion polls suggested that Bush had reduced , but not eliminated , Clinton 's lead .
24 Observations on Severn Estuary capsules suggested that between 12 and 15 crawlaways hatched from each capsule ( Crothers , 1977 ) : Feare ( 1970a ) gave 13–36 with a mean of 22:Fretter and Graham ( 1985 ) gave 25–35 .
25 Two used coffee cups and an ashtray full of cigarette ends suggested that the two men who awaited their arrival had been in long and deep discussion .
26 In contrast , data from life insurance applicants suggested that for comparable degrees of hypertension the impact on mortality was greater in diabetics , and particularly marked in those aged less than 40 years ( Goodkin , 1975 ) .
27 Initial LZ competition experiments suggested that a weakly detected higher molecular weight doublet of ∼100 kDa ( P100 ) is not competed by the CREB leucine zipper ( figure 4A ) .
28 The validation experiments suggested that lymphocytes probably contribute little to overall measured metabolism .
29 His own analysis of government figures suggested that the number of prescriptions for the treatment of asthma had more than doubled to 27 million a year over the last decade .
30 Provisional casualty reports suggested that allied losses included 12 US Marines killed and 15 Saudi troops ; 30 Iraqi soldiers were reported killed and several tanks destroyed .
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