Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adv] before " in BNC.

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1 Dent 's comment at the time when that Act was still before Parliament as a bill has a curious irony to it , which will become all the more apparent from the discussion which ensues later :
2 In moral America , it looked as if the Clinton campaign was over before it had begun .
3 The question was out before she could bite it back .
4 The frightened question was out before she could stop it .
5 It won' be long before it finishes it 's only
6 He might have lied about it if he 'd been able to think more quickly , but the truth was out before he knew it .
7 The remark was out before she 'd considered the wisdom of it .
8 But my father was here before I came .
9 The retort was out before she could prevent it .
10 ‘ Our league campaign this season was over before it began and I could offer a lot of excuses but wo n't .
11 And , unless you are that raving genius we have met before , you would do well to analyse exactly what it is your detective novel is about before you embark on detailed plotting , let alone the actual writing .
12 With sequencers that 's achievable , but then much of the performance is over before they touch the stage .
13 and imagining what her life was like before she married him .
14 For these traders , the show was over before it began .
15 The walls of our imprisonment were there before we appeared on the scene , but they are ever rebuilt by ourselves .
16 Borrowers on a budget plan have to wait till the year is up before they can reap the benefits .
17 The conversation was over before it had started .
18 Thus planning permission had been granted ( on 22 December 1975 , close enough to Christmas for no-one to have been paying much attention ) and the period for appealing the planning permission was past before local residents discovered that Raybestos Manhattan would be processing and emitting asbestos , a highly toxic pollutant and confirmed mass killer .
19 The last time Ballater had been in the cottage was just before Miss Marshall had been forced out of it by her rapacious relatives , backed up by the insensitive local general practitioner who agreed she could n't cope .
20 The one-trial conditioning procedure achieves this since acquisition is over before the shock has a chance to lose effectiveness .
21 The party was over before it began .
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