Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] allow he " in BNC.

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1 There is no way in which he can free himself from my control , not unless I lose my nerve or allow him to be abducted by some plagiarist , and not unless I allow any of my own present personal dilemmas connected with my own personal escape to lodge unbeknown to me in the words which make up this fictional character .
2 Richard Armstrong has left to become Curator of Contemporary Art at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh , and Richard Marshall has cut a deal that allows him to remain only until he finds another job .
3 But underneath all the tough-talking , cryptic statements and pipe-lighting that allows him time to carefully think out his replies , there is another Bill Morrison , a schoolboy at heart , who is happiest sitting in the stands at Lord 's or Twickenham swapping cricketing and rugby stories , who idolises sporting heroes like cricketers Denis Compton and Gary Sobers , four-minute miler Roger Bannister , and former rugby international Gerald Davies , and who is in a fever of excitement over the arrival of his new MG RV8 , a ‘ reincarnation of the old MGB ’ , only ‘ more powerful , more comfortable ( I hope ) and certainly more costly ’ .
4 Watching him speak , and seeing the man he was , I realized the distress that allowed him to reveal his feelings to me .
5 Goldner toyed with the offer , but decided to stay on at the Getty after negotiating a new contract that allowed him to remain in his hometown of New York most of the year ( with short stays in Malibu ) , in effect managing and adding to the Getty 's collection in absentia .
6 I would offer a contract that allowed him exclusivity if he gets a minimum of 100 candidates in November 1993 and 200 during 1993/94 .
7 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
8 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
9 The techniques he employs , he says , give him more flexibility than a potter and allow him maximum flexibility with malleable qualities of the metals he employs .
10 She took the cup of tea-bag Indian and allowed him to settle himself at the large deal table covered with music scores .
11 And what was it but deception that she should present herself at Vendelin Gajdusek 's home and allow him to think she was her sister ?
12 Every evening since Boxing Night she had come to his basement-room and allowed him to make love to her .
13 Lead/bass guitarist Jean-Herve Peron unstraps his double-necked guitar monster ( an apparatus that allows him to play both styles with minimum effort ) and holds up his hands in joy .
14 Only " tough love " is helpful , loving the sufferer but allowing him or her to take the full consequences of all actions caused by the disease .
15 So for a while , the President of the United States effectively had world power , there was no other power in the world who could stand up to the U S , er , after , after , World War One for one argument anyway , and I think Freud 's er , defence disposition would be , Woodrow Wilson was the man who came to Europe , saying he would bring a just peace for all , and went away leaving a total mess , and , and , Freud 's er argument in his book is , told us was , well , the mess er , was really Wilson 's own doing , and if it was his doing , what was it in his character that allowed him to er , si to on some Lloyd George , who bullied him into getting most of what they wanted .
16 The ambassadors of Canada , France , the United States and Venezuela then successfully intervened and persuaded the coup leaders not to kill Aristide but to allow him to leave the country , in order to prevent widespread bloodshed .
17 He opted for a job as an arc metalworker for a firm that allowed him plenty of time off for competing in meetings and , as he was an international , he travelled overseas often .
18 It gave him more time to devote to music and allowed him to pour his suffocating feelings of negativity into songs .
19 Eva observed : " No matter how devastated people can be there 's a tremendous resilience in the human being that allows him to get up and start again .
20 They remember , acutely , the blank cheque that Lyndon Johnson got from Congress in the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution that allowed him to fight in Vietnam .
21 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
22 Pray that they may be people who rely on God 's healing and allow him to set them back on the track of feeding the lambs .
23 If you are in two minds then give the candidate the benefit of the doubt and allow him or her to come for interview and elaborate on the details given on the form .
24 Three days after Calley 's conviction he freed him from jail pending his appeal and allowed him to live in his officer 's quarters .
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