Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] will probably " in BNC.

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1 Dingiri Banda Wijetunga , who has been appointed acting president and will probably get the job permanently because the UNP has enough votes in parliament to secure it for him , is an unassuming 71-year-old compromise candidate .
2 Yet the industry is a feeble exporter and will probably always remain so .
3 A single gentle tap with the hammer will force the point of the nail partly through the aluminium and will probably make a hole that is large enough .
4 The employer will have a contract with the person who sold him the equipment and will probably be able to recoup his losses through a contract action .
5 The Namibian peace agreement is in jeopardy but will probably survive this setback .
6 If a vehicle examiner who has been authorised by a chief constable examines the brakes his evidence will show a more detailed inspection and will probably name the ‘ part ’ concerned .
7 Another official said Mr Kohl had earlier accepted the British government 's decision to take its time over ratification in a lengthy parliamentary process that will probably extend into the second half of this year .
8 Many parishes and villages have continued to lose population and will probably do so in the foreseeable future .
9 Sunderland are starved of cash and will probably be unable to meet the financial requirements of both Everton and the player .
10 The Soviet forces regard this as being of the highest importance and will probably regard the safe delivery of the offrs as a test of British good faith . "
11 Jones may be an idealist and will probably face a rude awakening when confronted with the realities of the economy and the hidebound attitudes of a bureaucracy that is watching his advent with some trepidation .
12 They can sell to the other people in the business but will probably require a much higher price than net asset value for their shares .
13 ‘ You will have a trying day tomorrow ’ , he once said to his District Magistrate while Chief Commissioner of Delhi ; ‘ You will be on the alert all day and will probably have a riot .
14 Any number of vehicles trying to pick up the finishers will have great difficulty parking and will probably cause a major obstruction .
15 This theme has been clouded by different and even contradictory ideas , such as a stimulus package and an investment tax-credit to pep up an economy that will probably grow by 3% this year .
16 Arthur Andersen has joined up with Asahi Shinwa , Ernst & Young 's Japanese affiliate and the second largest auditing firm in the country , in an arrangement that will probably result in a merger .
17 But the one who made the most impact and will probably pay dearly for his injudicious comments during the week was Colin Montgomerie .
18 Gently insert one end of the long brush , right along the needle channel and back out again , bringing with it the loads of fluff that will probably be stuck in this channel .
19 On a more light-hearted matter there have been several amusing items discussed , including a subject that will probably have been a topic of conversation at a few lunch tables — uniforms .
20 We hear a PowerOpen consortium is in bud and will probably come into full flower in the fall : petals include Bull , IBM , Apple , Motorola and Thomson at least .
21 They may pay a high price for their few years of glory with injury problems in later life and will probably never enjoy the relative prosperity of their first working years again .
22 Only medium and large sizes are made in these real men 's jumpers , but the large linen shirt makes a wonderful tunic for a woman of average size and will probably keep her knees nice and warm .
23 John Rose , for example , a son of the laird of Kilravock , was commissioned ensign in Lord Semple 's Regiment in 1741 , but , upon receiving his choice of the company to which he would be attached , fixed upon that of Captain Campbell of Carrick ‘ because the Lieutenant of that Company is a very pretty fellow & will probably be soon made a Capt. which ( with Interest ) will make room for John 's own preferment ’ .
24 So the tribunal has a mere supervisory jurisdiction and will probably not substitute its view for Customs ' ( VAT Act 1983 , s 40(1) ( hh ) ) .
25 Developing simulations and practical integrated assignments to create structured learning experiences patterned upon work place tasks , activities and processes which closely match the practices of the workplace , takes time and effort and will probably involve enlisting employers as partners to achieve a truly realistic environment and to utilise the opportunities available in the workplace .
26 Sweden is a beautiful country that will probably stay neutral .
27 Midfielder Ray Parlour recalled to Arsenal squad and will probably replace Pal Lydersen on the bench .
28 Doctors : your doctor will talk to you about your problem and will probably test a sample of your urine .
29 You 've got the landlords who are the en the enemies , you , you 've got rich peasants who are broadly gon na be opposed to you and , and will only come in on your side at the very latest stage when they 've realized that and then you 've got the middle peasants who are wavering in the middle but will probably support you mu certainly much more easily .
30 Many people who have reached this stage in their infection can look forward to no further trouble from their disease and will probably die of old age or some other condition unrelated to their syphilis .
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