Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I pledge to increase the amount of time or money I give to environmental and development organisations .
2 I 'm taking here about pure , blind betting of someone who is not attempting to exercise any skill but is just looking at the odds offered by the bookies , and pointing out — and I 'll have a table to demonstrate this in the talk I give at the Open Day — the way in which the rate of return on bets made in this way decreases steadily the longer the odds are offered .
3 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
4 Teachers of English will differ in the weight they give to each of these views of the subject .
5 To those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ , he says ‘ Peace I leave with you ( peace with God ) my peace I give unto you ( the peace of God ) . ’
6 The real breakthrough will come when the pot plants grown from rainforest seed are sold as such — when customers in down- town LA choose their purchases for the help they give to commercial community-based conservation as much as for their leaf colours .
7 Up at HM Systems Plc in North London , they innocently ran a letter through the thing , and once they had stopped chortling , they rang us to advise that people should stick to calling the new chip the 80586 in any correspondence they give to their secretary unless they 're confident that , in the words of Larry Hart , she 's a broad with a broad , broad mind .
8 I would like to commend you for the support you give to rural artists and craftspeople , through your excellent articles — especially at a time when , due to cuts in grants , such people need all the help they can get .
9 But even with that clutch of reasons to be glassy-eyed , I 've stayed almost sober for an entire month , sitting miserably at the bar wondering why low-alcohol lager has an after-taste like floor polish , and disturbing old friends with the rapt attention I give to such enquiries as : ‘ Ice and lemon in your tonic water , sir ? ’
10 ‘ It can not be irrelevant to evangelism that so many unbelievers think the place we give to women in the Church is frankly absurd . ’
11 It can not be irrelevant to evangelism that so many unbelievers think the place we give to women is frankly absurd .
12 The picture we give of them is still that of Posidonius .
13 Nothing is more characteristic of churches than their attitude to assurance and the place they give to it in their preaching and systems of doctrine .
14 One feature of Tukey 's techniques is the degree of insight they give into the data .
15 ( The authors ' respect for children is further demonstrated by the attention they give to misreadings — ‘ miscues ’ — and blocking .
16 We begin this chapter , accordingly , by looking at the different types of literary essay it is possible to write , considering first the variety of focus they give to their subject matter and the different modes of argument they adopt .
17 In achieving this end , essays follow certain general patterns of development and direction , which are definable in terms of the focus they give to their subject matter and the different modes of argument they adopt .
18 ‘ These measures have added nearly another £600m a year to the support we give to those over retirement age .
19 Bishop David has already appealed to us to double the money we give to the Church wherever we can .
20 That 's what I had against my discount that way you can you got a gift for this person you give to them plus erm
21 Salim can be designated a Kenya Asian : the name we give to those hard-working aliens who have been driven out of African countries , and who include the shopkeepers and merchants expropriated in Uganda by Amin .
22 ‘ The Created God is the name we give to all that is good ’ , is a statement which makes no demand on the credulity of a young mind .
23 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
24 So grammar is the name we give to the knowledge of how words are adapted and arranged to form sentences .
25 A third witness , you understand , adds no further dimension but only spreads it thinner , and a fourth thinner still , and the more witnesses there are the thinner it gets and the more reasonable it becomes until it is as thin as reality , the name we give to the common experience …
26 But th the problem is all the shortcuts are g gon na reduce the quality of service we give to the client .
27 At The Royal Bank of Scotland , we constantly seek to improve the quality of service we give to our customers .
28 We would hope that the Highways Department as a whole can unite to face the future and that both conditions for Highways staff and the service we give to the public can be maintained .
29 ‘ We are always looking for new ways to improve the service we give to customers and this was one of them , ’ said Mr David Gettings , store manager .
30 Transactions differ in the strains they place on decision-making ability , the scope they give for opportunism , and the degree to which they involve human dignity .
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