Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] share [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She left them and went up the stairs which led to the bedroom she shared with Pet .
2 As she climbed the stairs Sally could hear the low voices and the giggles coming from the bedroom she shared with her sister and knew what it meant .
3 Even the en suite bathroom of the bedroom she shared with Emily could be described by no other word than glorious !
4 The re-emergence of feminism in the 1960s is important for women because whatever other political struggles we might be engaged in , our subordination to men individually and collectively is a condition we share with all women irrespective of class , race and sexual preference .
5 She had expected to return home with full payment for the shoes she 'd made , but it seemed the theatre people were not too quick in settling bills , a practice they shared with the gentry .
6 Stamping up the stairs he went into the bedroom he shared with Eliza .
7 Hans Stuck having survived an uncharacteristic spin during the rain with the car he shared with Jonathan Palmer .
8 Darren was found hanging from the roof of the cell he shared with Kenny Carter and Jason Rochford in January 1990 .
9 Saint-Jean-de-Luz is built along a bay which makes an unusually regular , shallow curve , from a headland to the north , where the lighthouse is , to the harbour entrance to the south , facing the small , equally bright and characteristically Basque town of Ciboure , which has some really good old houses overlooking the harbour it shares with Saint lean , and where the composer Ravel was born .
10 Vincent had grasped early on that his deep-seated , recurring fearfulness in the face of life was a condition he shared with many nineteenth-century artists .
11 This mixed condition he shares with many others , not all of them writers ; it is a condition we are entitled to call traditional .
12 One other peculiarity she shared with the four Atlantic states : she had great extra-European interests , though they lay across land frontiers in Asia rather than across the sea .
13 Sally-Anne was delighted by his changed manner ; he always looked so charming when he smiled — even the scar seemed to disappear a little , and as she was always ready for fun herself — a trait she shared with her papa — and the game looked like being fun , she said , eyes shining , ‘ Oh , I play to win , too , but a good servant always does what the Master commands , ’ and she cast her eyes down in the manner of a stage domestic registering submission .
14 The passivity of the wronged girl is a trait she shares with the hero of Guy Newell 's Fox Farm ( 1922 ) , a sensitive farmer abandoned by his go-getting wife after he has been blinded in an explosion .
15 A few years ago I and my two sons made an amazing discovery — a discovery we shared with a few of our colleagues here .
16 These people do not want to remain in Bosnia-Hercegovina , they wish to join Croatia , a dream they share with the Croat president Franjo Tudjman .
17 Later in the afternoon Chuck Sherman ran excitedly into the hut he shared with his brother .
18 The long-horned Gascon 's calves are red , a trait it shares with the Podolian types in Italy .
19 Jason , 21 , has not been seen since he got a lift to a pub on December 8 from the home he shared with his girlfriend in Box , Wiltshire .
20 Five Bellies was arrested last month at the terraced home he shared with blonde Joanna in Gateshead , Tyne and Wear .
21 Mr Miles , a 29-year-old panel beater , was found dead in the garden of the home he shared with his parents .
22 On the day of his death he had done some clearing up at the home he shared with his mother , and refused tea before going out of the house unnoticed .
23 Gardner , 27 , was charged after police were called to the terraced home he shares with Joanne Gibson and their two-year-old son Liam .
24 The country home he shares with his wife at Charlbury in Oxfordshire is deserted — neighbours say Lady Watts is at their flat in London waiting for any news of her husband .
25 Apart from North Sea projects on the drawing board , progress is expected during 1993 towards the development of the huge Mars discovery it shares with Shell in the Gulf of Mexico and the oil reserves it has established by pioneering exploration work in Colombia .
26 ‘ Where is this apartment you share with your lover ? ’
27 The days passed happily enough but at night , in the tiny cabin she shared with Anna , she sometimes lay awake and thought of her cousins , down below in that hell-hole .
28 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
29 The room I shared with others had evidently been a cellar under the street .
30 Grace Bird was already in the corridor outside the dressing-room she shared with Dawn Allenby .
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