Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] access to " in BNC.

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1 Borders Regional Council also believes the new fishing dimension in the funding rules , given the fishing industry at Eyemouth , will strengthen the case for access to rural development to finance which they have been working on with Scottish Borders Enterprise for several years .
2 It has full VT320 emulation for access to character-based applications on networks , and has the TCP/IP stack licensed from NetManage Inc , and the XRemote protocol for high-speed serial communications .
3 It has full VT320 emulation for access to character-based applications on networks , and has the TCP/IP stack licensed from NetManage Inc , and the XRemote protocol for high-speed serial communications .
4 As far as the residence requirements were concerned , the Commission considered that , as it stated in its communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
5 The Commission 's communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
6 The Commission communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas was not appropriate to resolve that conflict , because it did not tackle the problem of the effective exploitation of the catch quotas allocated to the member states .
7 The Commission points out that , in is communication of 19 July 1989 on a Community framework for access to fishing quotas ( Official Journal 1989 No .
8 Working class women 's groups and the Workers ' Birth Control Group , formed in 1924 , which played a major part in the struggle for access to birth control information , also found it impossible to ignore the maternalist framework in their campaign .
9 Personal ornaments , including jade buttons of floral design , bracelets , pendants , hair-pins and ear-rings , emphasised still further the link between access to jade and high official status .
10 All that was necessary was the purchase of sufficient land on the west side of the Leicester Canal to make a towpath for access to the Grand Union .
11 Local disk caching , connection-oriented protocol support for access to NFS servers over low-speed links and RSA for increased security and authentication will be added to Solaris in 1993 .
12 I read with interest the article in the August edition of Outdoor Action about access to the countryside for the disabled .
13 The discussions indicated that the client was mainly concerned with improving the speed of access to information and the efficiency of information storage .
14 In every consumer domain , fashion provides opportunities for differentiation , in terms of speed of access to knowledge .
15 The advantages of disc in the storage of information and in speed of access to any part make it the more flexible combination , with a wider range of possible uses .
16 It 's for initial research into the unique problems experienced by portables users when detached from the network like loss of access to data .
17 The loss of access to even a small plot in the open fields affected many , but far more were affected by the loss of common rights .
18 More controversial is the command of access to resources .
19 There was some interruption of access to printed books while the new fire detection and alarm system was being installed in those areas where rare books are housed , and any inconvenience to readers is very much regretted .
20 The Entry table specifies the relative order in which dictionary entries are to be printed , and provides a key of access to the Text table ( entity and current version number ) .
21 The ideology of merit as the criterion of access to secondary education and its subsequent social and economic rewards was well entrenched by the time of the outbreak of war , as were the mechanics of separation into two distinct types of education .
22 On the positive side , at least one court recently has made an adoption order with a condition of access to grandparents with whom the child had important links .
23 Great savings are possible in the airline industry from access to a ‘ hub and spokes ’ system of routes .
24 We do n't all have Watkins ' advantages : a lifetime 's familiarity and sympathy with his native countryside ; the photographer 's eye for detail , for the unusual and for the properly framed view ; and the advantage of access to the countryside as part of his daily work .
25 When a major purpose of investing is to take advantage of access to a single market with a growing monetary union , the opt-out country reduces its value as a place for investment .
26 He itemised the steps by which East European Governments gained access to the free markets of West Europe , while denying the same freedom of access to West European manufacturers , and revealed how reciprocal trade deals negotiated with the multi-nationals resulted in unsuspecting third party EEC Governments being saddled with the import bill .
27 Until recently , a salmon farm inhibited fishing in Skeltar , but this enterprise has since ended and salmon once more have freedom of access to their traditional spawning grounds .
28 MEMO : Government Consultation Paper on ‘ Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment ’
29 This change would rectify these disparities and bring the legislative into line with the Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment Directive .
30 Implementation of the EC 's Directive on the Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment
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