Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] have noticed " in BNC.

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1 ANYONE who has watched birds sleeping will have noticed that they frequently open their eyes for a moment , or ‘ peek ’ .
2 Any one of thirty officials inside the building might have noticed his trembling body , or the tiny beads of sweat pricking his brow , and taken him aside for interrogation .
3 The sword must have noticed him , too , because it suddenly spoke in a voice like a claw being scraped across glass .
4 And an observer in that small room would have noticed the suspicion of a smile around his loose and slightly purplish lips .
5 We have criticised the building-up of such a huge nuclear arsenal , but my hon. Friend may have noticed that President Yeltsin is talking of reducing the number of warheads to 2,500 , which he regards as reducing to a deterrent .
6 My hon. Friend may have noticed that the Opposition have been floating a similar idea among themselves and discussing again in an internal memorandum the possibility of a luxuries rate of VAT .
7 The hon. Gentleman may have noticed that this is a free country .
8 The hon. Gentleman may have noticed that my proposals increase the independence of Her Majesty 's chief inspector .
9 On a point of information , the hon. Gentleman may have noticed that the citizens charter was not a glossy blue document but a glossy red one .
10 As the right hon. Gentleman should have noticed , a few days ago my right hon. Friend the Minister for Social Security and Disabled People announced further steps to help all those in receipt of income support who have mortgages .
11 A close observer might have noticed a slight stiffening of Albert 's back , but otherwise he gave no sign of hearing .
12 Perhaps only another woman would have noticed . ’
13 In Brighton , the Prince Regent 's city , people do not go to bed early , and an observer would have noticed a small group of revellers making its way along the strand to the accompaniment of snatches of song and bursts of loud laughter .
14 However , those less interested in the in-fighting in the House of Windsor than the environment will have noticed that Sarah Ferguson did one thing RIGHT .
15 These could be the positive side of your parents ' shortcomings , eg a young man may have noticed that his father never took his mother into consideration when purchasing the family car .
16 But the suspect must have noticed him , because he suddenly waved down a passing taxi and drove off .
17 Having said that a good removal man should have noticed that before he started .
18 Stone-age man would have noticed that birds navigating by means of the magnetic properties of the ley lines together with the visual cues thereon , became disorientated at certain points ( multiple ley-line intersections ) .
19 Some women who are infected with this bacterium have little in the way of symptoms , but the majority will have noticed an increase in their vaginal discharge .
20 Every officer must have noticed the figurines , yet no-one had considered them as a possible murder weapon .
21 The observant reader may have noticed that I used this construction myself above on p. 98 ; this was done consciously .
22 In fact , as the reader may have noticed already , the two terms behave exactly like the classical Saussurean sign discussed in Chapter 2 , defined not by their essence but by their difference .
23 The views expressed have not always been my own , but rather a collection of disparate angles on the topic , as the reader may have noticed .
24 The writer of this essay should have noticed the possibility of an ambiguity or difficulty for the reader in tracing the reference back , and could have solved the problem by replacing the ambiguous word " this " with a phrase which makes clear who or what is being referred to , such as , perhaps " That Sir William should feel this is not surprising since he had been knighted . "
25 ‘ Their mother must have noticed a difference in them .
26 There 's no way you could have kept him hidden for this long , and Moshe-Rabaan would have noticed any excess oxygen usage , so he 's a simularity , right ? ’
27 ‘ Your mother would have noticed … ’
28 Mr. Greenway : My right Hon. Friend and Hon. Members on both sides of the House will have noticed that the Peers Gallery is almost invariably empty , even during Prime Minister 's Question Time .
29 The House will have noticed how assiduous the Leader of the Opposition was yesterday in not speaking one word about democracy and how the peoples of this land hold their Governments to account .
30 By this time the reader will have noticed , and perhaps wondered … the writer is a member of a large family , yet so far only four characters have been on parade : Mum , Dad , Sam and Carl .
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