Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] widely [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The corporate concern is therefore that the profit implications of a particular measure are widely understood , and that the legislators are not going to saddle companies struggling for survival with disproportionate costs — or at least , not without the public being made aware of the consequences .
2 Creativity and ingenuity are widely distributed and evident in the natural activities of children outside school .
3 Royal Bank of Scotland eurocheques and a eurocheque card are widely recognised , simple and most convenient payment method for personal customers in Europe and the Mediterranean whether you want to obtain cash , pay hotel bills or purchase goods over the counter .
4 Although nature is infinitely diverse and the techniques and approaches used for its study are widely varied , a most obvious feature of science seems to be that it is concerned with the dismantling of superfluous structure , and the description of nature 's many facets in the simplest possible terms .
5 The arguments in defence of individualism discussed in the previous chapter are widely held to defeat holism utterly by demonstrating the reducibility of all theories about social wholes .
6 The monthly days of fasting and humiliation were widely disliked and ignored .
7 They mean an easy , phonetic ( or rather phonemic ) system such as alphabetic literacy and they think of a ‘ literate society ’ as one in which such a script is widely assumed in public life , as they claim it was in sixth century Greece .
8 Despite these criticisms , the new programme is widely seen as an advance on the Karnataka Social Forestry Project , inaugurated in 1983 with World Bank funding , which led to the expropriation of common land for eucalyptus plantations , and clashes between vilagers and foresters .
9 Britain 's clinical research is widely acknowledged to be in very bad shape .
10 It is DTI 's intention and remit to continue promoting awareness of Open Systems in the second stage of the programme , and the OSTT Programme is keen to work closely with industry bodies and organisations in order to ensure that information and guidance is widely distributed to their clients when planning or implementing Open Systems strategies .
11 Gypsum is widely used in the building trade as ‘ Plaster of Paris ’ .
12 Industry is widely misunderstood in the world today .
13 Although not formally trained as a historian of ancient art , Ortiz 's scholarship is widely respected .
14 The need to work for a living is widely recognized , but the necessity to do so may have often been bitterly resented by many people over the years .
15 The figure is widely extended in one plane , evidently designed for a primary view from an area in front of the torso with the head approximately in profile .
16 In its co-ordinated typography , pertinent use of colour-coding and subtlety of complex chartwork , BP 's Statistical Review is widely regarded as a model of its kind .
17 The lack of substantial commitments to action is widely seen as reflecting conflicting interests and clashes within the government , particularly among the Departments of Transport , Energy , Agriculture and Trade and Industry where the environment is a contentious issue .
18 Allometry is widely observed in nature , and has been defined by Stephen Jay Gould , of Harvard .
19 Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions .
20 The genus Proconsul is widely distributed in Uganda and Kenya in sediments ranging in age from 22 to 17Myr ( million years ago ) .
21 the hazard of dissolved methane was widely publicised and incorporated into training courses .
22 The limited experiment was widely thought to have been successful .
23 As New South Wales was the only state without an ALP government , the Liberal-National coalition was widely expected to benefit from the current unpopularity of the Hawke government , an expectation apparently supported by opinion polls published during the campaign which gave the coalition a lead of up to 16 percentage points over Labor .
24 I do n't say that this is so , only that the allegation was widely made at the time .
25 The result was widely interpreted as marking a decisive shift within the electorate , since the end of the Cold War , away from the traditional isolationism based on neutrality .
26 The result was widely considered to be indicative of the government 's increasing unpopularity .
27 The result was widely predicted , the only real doubt being the likely extent of the National victory .
28 The murder was widely condemned .
29 An attempt by the Hungarian emigré organization , Transylvanian Magyar World Federation , to organize a cross-border demonstration was widely condemned in both countries and did not materialize .
30 The ceremony was widely regarded as an effort to restore Prussia 's regional identity after its suppression during the years of communist rule in the former East Germany , and simultaneously to dissociate Frederick the Great from the Nazi Party , which had revered his military power .
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