Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] dealt with " in BNC.

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1 BREATHLESS PHONE calls first thing in the morning ; indecipherable typescripts bristling with spidery illustrations ; wild-eyed magnetic levitationists turning up at reception — New Scientist has dealt with the British inventor in his most extreme forms .
2 IT IS NOT THE FIRST time the American cinema has dealt with the assassination of President John Kennedy but the research involved in , and the detail of JFK ( 15 , Empire ) , make it extraordinary — as do the direction and the playing of a cast led by Kevin Costner .
3 A DARLINGTON agency founded to help victims of crime has dealt with a record number of people in the first three months of this year .
4 This chapter has dealt with the mechanism of a debilitating and often fatal symptom of disease , namely diarrhoea .
5 So far , this chapter has dealt with ninth-century perceptions of the working of politics at the centre , through palace-organisation and general assemblies .
6 It would be statistically misleading to headline the 500 per cent rise in the murder rate in Central Region , but the chief constable there can hardly be pleased to find the number of such incidents his force has dealt with rise from one to six .
7 This would not only be detailed but would require the submission of a number of " case report " forms relating to cases dealt with ( but anonymised ) which would demonstrate how the applicant had dealt with certain types of specified cases .
8 Apart from working on its ambitious equality programme , the Race Relations Committee has dealt with other issues as they have arisen throughout the year .
9 During the last year ( September 1991 to September 1992 ) the committee has dealt with the following applications :
10 This work has dealt with the relative merits of various strategies ( such as tit-for-tat ) when players who recognize each other meet repeatedly , and more recently with ensembles of strategies and with the effects of occasional errors .
11 Inasmuch as the appellant is not able to establish the necessary twelve years adverse possession , a decision on this question is strictly obiter , but as the judge has dealt with the point and counsel have argued it before us I will not conclude without making some reference to it .
12 Disclosure that a particular Committee had dealt with a matter might lead to argument about the status of the decision or demands that it should be endorsed by the whole Cabinet .
13 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
14 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
15 And asserts that he did it ignorantly not knowing there was any evil in it , and after the several members of the presbytery had dealt with him and endeavoured to convince him of the sinfulness of the said practice he seemed to dislike the practice of the charm and judicially promised to forbear it for the future .
16 And asserts that he did it ignorantly not knowing there was any evil in it , and after the several members of the presbytery had dealt with him and endeavoured to convince him of the sinfulness of the said practice he seemed to dislike the practice of the charm and judicially promised to forbear it for the future .
17 talking about the way that the Department of Transport have dealt with
18 ‘ You often find the civil court has dealt with the abuse and the perpetrator in the context of what is in the best interests of the child . ’
19 Instead of the entrepreneur , the dominant theory of price has dealt with the firm , placing the emphasis heavily on its profit-maximizing aspects .
20 why , that 's what I thought , but would you on occasion have dealt with people who wished to buying or considering buying ?
21 This dissertation has dealt with a potentially fatal symptom of disease which affects the lives of millions of people throughout the world every day .
22 Although this example has dealt with the analysis of pottery , the same basic approach of identification , sorting , grouping , quantification , comparison with examples from elsewhere , and the formulation of conclusions from the evidence is used in the study of most finds and environmental samples .
23 I had hoped that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment had dealt with that point very effectively .
24 Bob Gooding owned up to using consultants such as a doctor and a lawyer and complained the debate had dealt with ‘ parody portraits of people ’ .
25 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
26 The essential difference i between I twelve and I five is that I twelve in the past has dealt with central area office developments
27 Similarly , if the client would have been a market counterparty if the firm had dealt with him direct , he will not be a customer in any event .
28 And she and her daughter had dealt with it .
29 Coun O'Toole , chairman of the Holyhead Unemployment Workers Centre management committee , said that last year welfare rights workers at the centre had dealt with 542 income support enquiries , which represented 15pc of the 3,518 cases handled .
30 The project has dealt with 340 clients from 45 different countries , but the project coordinator is now only working voluntarily , and the staff are heavily overloaded with casework .
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