Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I recall as a boy watching in admiration as Mr. Harry Martin , the signwriter wrote The Brewery Tap all along the front of the building , some thirty feet above street level .
2 Next door was a parchment maker , who had one corporal billeted on him , but we also know that 2 soldiers died in his house , and so it 's possible that he actually looked after wounded soldiers , which was , of course happening all over Oxford .
3 Mushrooms containing the drug psilocyn grow all over Britain , notably on Hampstead Heath .
4 Catalonia had possessed only a small section of a textile industry scattered all over Spain but it was round Barcelona that the cotton factory made its appearance .
5 It had Bonanza written all over it .
6 Ample free car parking all around the hotel .
7 And there was plenty of crap strewn all over the pavement , so he had to be more careful .
8 Like all children , his mind jumps all over the place .
9 Long after he should have turned away out of politeness she could feel his dark glance pricking all over her , sparing nothing .
10 bit this traffic because there 's snow falling all over the county there are going to be people erm in all sorts of er er problems .
11 But who was the chap directly alongside them , cat-cream grinning all over his Armani smooth chops ?
12 Several hundred thousand people benefited and , today , the red-green flag flies all over Chattisgarh .
13 The example illustrated in Fig. 561 is a purely timber log structure of the type built all over eastern Europe till long after the Middle Ages .
14 Equally , his inclusion lifted all around him .
15 An unmarked car with John Law written all over it joined the black-and-whites .
16 There was you , waiting at the gates , welcome written all over your tits and panting for him .
17 their own recklessness written all over them .
18 Tony stared at the criss-cross cuts all over Tippy 's thighs .
19 In Munich , the Stalingrad disaster prompted the group of students who , largely inspired by moral and religious idealism , had the previous year formed the ‘ White Rose ’ movement and circulated anti-Nazi leaflets in Munich University , to stage a suicidally brave public demonstration of their detestation for Hitler and Nazism in a defiant manifesto displayed all over the university buildings :
20 How often is that sad refrain heard all over the English-speaking world !
21 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
22 The brown paper bag tied with white string hit the pavement , split and corn went all over the place .
23 Her tilted smile put the usual dent , something just less than a dimple , at the corner of her mouth as she pulled on a robe bought only three days previously , sumptuous emerald silk with an elaborate multicoloured dragon embroidered all over the back .
24 Delight ran all over her at his use of her name , and she wanted to reach up and take his face between her hands and say , ‘ You are beautiful and strong and gentle .
25 The reaction that thriller writer Derek Raymond received for his most recent novel , I Was Dora Suarez , was disconcerting in the extreme : his editor vomited all over the fist chapter .
26 The black cat spread all over Europe until , in medieval times , it became associated with black magic and sorcery .
27 Jackie Gardner takes exhibits to horticultural shows all over the country and the nursery has just picked up a Gold Medal at Chelsea .
28 ‘ Ca n't read a sodding map , gets his human body splattered all over the street , then takes off without a by your leave or kiss my elbow .
29 His rampant pole moved all over her greasy belly and thighs , and when she spread her legs to capture the greasy thing inside her , it slid about like a duck on ice .
30 Rattus rattus moved all over Europe and Asia , hitching rides on camel trains and on waggons and particularly on ships , and the fleas deserted the marmots and attached themselves to the rats , and the bacilli went with them .
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