Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] told him " in BNC.

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1 According to yesterday 's report , the man has decided to come forward because the gang has told him they are ending his regular cash payments , which he used to collect in London .
2 But as the reader will be aware , during the past decade or so , the courts , building on a series of decisions which quite properly and logically held ineffective a number of ingenious and entirely artificial schemes devised for the manufacture and allowance of losses or expenses which were never in fact incurred , have sought to create and apply to transactions conferring tax advantages for which the legislature has made provision a doctrine of ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ , the general effect of which is that even though the citizen follows to the letter that which Parliament has told him that he can do in order to attract the fiscal consequences which Parliament has statutorily decreed will follow if he does it , nevertheless , whatever Parliament may have said shall be the consequences , the courts will and must decline to give effect , not to what he has done , but to the fiscal consequences which Parliament has provided , unless he demonstrates that there was a ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ for his action .
3 Mozart 's hopes were set back at an early stage for on 29 September he reported a conversation with Prince Zeill who said the Elector had told him :
4 An aide had told him it was just one of Benin 's little idiosyncrasies .
5 It took a little time to find the girl who had been moved and was not in the room that the Sub-lieutenant had told him how to find .
6 His ear confirmed what the electronic bug had told him shortly before he had entered the suite , namely that there was no sound of movement from within the bedroom , or its adjacent bathroom .
7 In other words ‘ if he thought he was nt part of the future plans Id have told him so and he would have asked for a transfer … has he ? ?
8 In one of these articles one of the reporters wrote that a sprinter had told him that if you are not on drugs , specifically steroids , then it is like racing in plimsolls against every one else in spikes .
9 Timex management had told him of substantial losses in recent years and of the possibility of another massive deficit this year .
10 The story continues with an account of how the next day when he started to get upset Little Turtle remembered what the tortoise had told him so he closed his eyes , pulled in his arms close to his body , put his head down so his chin rested against his chest , and rested for a while , until he knew what to do .
11 He wished the coroner had told him about this !
12 His wife has told him to pull himself together .
13 A friend has told him that the council might be prepared to take the children into voluntary care for a while so that Ahmed can convalesce properly .
14 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
15 The King had told him that Gaveston aimed high , coveted an earldom , and wished to use his friendship with the Prince to found a dynasty as great as the de Clares , the Beaumonts , or any of the great lords who had followed the Conqueror across the Narrow Seas .
16 His American contact had told him where to find her .
17 ‘ Painting is drawing at the same time , ’ Mauve had told him .
18 A good Turkish bath , his friend had told him , would open his pores and flush out all the impurities .
19 Now the freehold 's been sold to a Salisbury firm called Sarum Heritage Limited , and the new landlord 's told him to pay 1500 pounds by the end of this month or risk losing his home .
20 ‘ I do n't suppose his crystal ball 's told him where Newley 's got to ? ’
21 Joseph 's father has told him that things are going to change , meaning , of course , that the new baby will have an impact on all of them .
22 Probably , in his youth , some tone deaf colleague had told him that he possessed a good voice , ever since when , he would arise at every opportunity , usually by reluctant request , and then po-faced with hand on heart , would bellow ‘ Come into the garden Maude ’ , watched by a captive audience and a proud , watery-eyed wife .
23 Although she had never said so , his instinct had told him immediately he 'd seen her with Harry that she was in love with the young man — a devastatingly handsome young man — whose manner towards Alice had been affectionate but certainly not lover-like .
24 Colt had known the driver for eleven months , and he knew he was good because the Colonel had told him how the driver had once handled an ambush .
25 Though he had never seen their cottage he seemed to remember that his aunt had told him that it lay about two miles to the south .
26 John 's father had told him vague stories about a grandfather who was said to have spent his time in mysterious pursuits of his own , returning home at intervals to sire another child before disappearing again .
27 When Adam was about eight his father had told him masturbating gave you scurvy .
28 He had been waiting for the spirit warrior his father had told him of in infancy , the One-Eyed White Girl .
29 If her father had told him that he had also to hold the rod in his hand and drop the line into the water she would not have been surprised .
30 Control had told him often enough that the agency would never surface in his defence if anything went wrong .
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