Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The look Maria gave him was inimical .
2 The look Madeleine gave him would have withered anyone other than her brother .
3 The money Danica gave my mother was not enough to buy one of the better sorts of bicycle , but it was no good buying a cheap one as it would have to last me for years .
4 As a result , three prominent members of the Medellín drug cartel gave themselves up [ see pp. 37914 ; 37957 ] .
5 A rapid gear change gave them speed on the corner and he sat bent over the wheel , concentrating fiercely on the road through the sheets of rain .
6 But I have never forgotten advice that my research adviser gave me the first time that I was pursuing a dead end : ‘ It is important to recognise when to quit . ’
7 His regular drawing practice gave him a solid understanding of the structure of the human head and hands , and he is unique amongst 18th century British painters for his custom of making detailed preparatory drawings for his portraits .
8 The silver pince-nez gave him the air of a rather unpleasant schoolmaster .
9 Over the next two days , Harry cycled through Zutphen and Arnhem to Eindhoven , where a cafe owner gave him coffee and rolls , and a priest , who was a friend of the cafe proprietor advised Harry who was now headed for the Dutch/Belgian border .
10 The Vibram soles gave plenty of grip , wet and dry , and the boots have become comfortable friends for distance walking over reasonable terrain .
11 And a lovely tea Hepzibah gave us ! ’
12 The reported wind speeds gave everyone a false sense of security .
13 Only the crest over the entrance door gave it away and that did n't entertain the eye much , either .
14 On the way home the recorded voice on the car radio gave its weathered , sweet , mellow report of the day 's play .
15 The Emmanuel College list gave him minimal information about matriculation and tripos results .
16 An older club member gave me a lift back to the station and I asked her what she thought of Ten Forward .
17 Lawyer A gave him a lot of advice about what was reasonable , but it was not invariably accepted .
18 She should have realised , there and then , by the glance Charlotte gave her husband and the way in which he refused to meet it , that her plan to accompany them was a bone of contention .
19 The individuals had first to establish that the Trusteeship Agreement gave them standing as against the trusteeship territory .
20 The glance Luke gave her was suspicious .
21 A COMPUTER expert gave his girlfriend an olde worlde surprise when he enlisted the help of a town crier to ask her to marry him .
22 A COMPUTER expert gave his girlfriend an olde worlde surprise yesterday when he enlisted the help of a town crier to ask her to marry him .
23 M. Lévy gave me a third more for the second vase than he had given Jean-Claude for the first one .
24 A kind choirman gave me a threepenny bit , so my total spending money for the day amounted to tenpence .
25 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
26 Being signed by Hampshire as replacement for Andy Roberts just a few months after his Test debut gave him the chance to impress Clive Lloyd in county matches and in 1982 he really came good with 134 wickets , the best season 's haul since the reduction in championship matches in 1969 .
27 And one of the first foods grand-daughter Lisa gave her baby were Farley 's Rusks mixed up with a little baby milk .
28 At the end of the EFL training course I did in London , a British Council type gave us all a pep talk before we were packed off to Ankara or Kuala Lumpur .
29 The not very exacting demands of a theology degree gave him time to make a lot of useful Anglican friends .
30 On the contrary , nothing from our coverage of the Communist party and its Peace Committee gave us grounds to suspect that they were manipulating C.N.D.
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