Example sentences of "[noun sg] but to accept " in BNC.

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1 When in the fullness of immense periods of time , emerging man found that he needed a ‘ god ’ , and a logical conception of ‘ good ’ and ‘ evil ’ , he had no alternative but to accept that the countless millions of operations which make up the law of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ , had necessarily to be designated either ‘ good ’ , if they furthered the cause , or completely disregarded if they did not .
2 Mrs Kemp was left with no alternative but to accept that no hearing could take place .
3 So we 've really , we 've really no alternative but to accept the hostage three , one to three on the reductions .
4 And they were had no alternative but to accept it .
5 As the self-appointed peasant patriarch of India , he had no choice but to accept this minor post .
6 There is no choice but to accept the challenge and changes that 1992 will bring about and companies must continue to review export opportunities , both inside and outside Europe .
7 They have no choice but to accept the position .
8 Wolfgang had no choice but to accept such generous terms , and , besides , he was missing his father and sister .
9 Captain Manvell was plainly astonished at Lord John 's swift collapse , even disgusted by the cowardice , but had no choice but to accept it .
10 ‘ I prefer Mr. Carus 's submission that an Orthodox rabbi is pursuing a vocation and has no choice but to accept the Chief Rabbi 's disciplinary decisions .
11 Left with no choice but to accept the responsibility or to pursue its own independent inquiries , the airline instructed Windels , Marx , Davies & Ives to prepare its defence and to investigate the suggestions of government complicity that were already coming to light .
12 Anton had no option but to accept the crooked deal .
13 When this was the case , the owner had no option but to accept his loss or institute a court case .
14 But when such practices occur elsewhere in the world , he feels , UK companies might have no option but to accept it and adjust .
15 Mathews , who otherwise faced the prospect of life imprisonment , had no option but to accept .
16 But leaned on in this way , Lord Brabourne and the Broadlands Trust felt they had no option but to accept his advice , and permission to show the Suez film was withheld .
17 ‘ If you have privilege you have no option but to accept some kind of obligation . ’
18 However , Walker — and Southern Distribution 's — lack of cashflow finally left Therapy ? with no option but to accept the financial massage of a major .
19 For there is no doubt that our prevailing intuitions about ourselves as agents , and a number of associated philosophical arguments about the concepts of choice , action and responsibility , have tended to make the case of individualism seem not merely strong , but so compelling that we have no option but to accept it .
20 With regard to a description not by reference , the Keeper , in order to make ‘ public and patent to his hienes lieges ’ ( 1617 Act , c 16 ) , is entitled to be provided with a common law description which at a minimum should be the postal address of the property ( eg , ‘ subjects 3 High Street , Ayr ’ ) or , in the case of flatted property , the identification of the particular house ( eg , ‘ the north house on the first flat above the street flat 3 High Street , Ayr ’ ) — and whether or not the Keeper really likes such minimum descriptions he has no option but to accept them !
21 Its spokesman , Rory Mair , who is also chief executive of Ross and Cromarty District Council , said that if the Government wished to retain any credibility over the matter it had no option but to accept the logical consequences of the select committee report and enter discussions with the local authorities on compensation .
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