Example sentences of "[unc] when [pers pn] actually " in BNC.

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1 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
2 Well er anyway as it , as it worked out , although I did a lot of s sloshing about , erm when I actually got to erm on to the four one four and I followed that through to the M one and straight up and I was running parallel with the M twenty five , virtually
3 Erm when you actually then moved on to start er start completing the , the C C Q you were asking , asking closed questions er you know you said , said to Martin can you tell me your wife 's name and he said yes and it went on about three or four times er yeah alright you were getting the names but you were having to ask two questions to actually get them because you were n't er were n't , you know , asking probe questions , you started off could you .
4 So wh when we actually say communist , I mean , it does seem odd that it would be controversial to the communists for Mao to come back and talk about revolution .
5 And the N U S , you know it is , in a way it is a good thing but in a way it is n't because when they were actual when they actually belonged to the N U S erm they were n't get because it 's a small university , they were n't getting much funding from the US er the N U S or erm any support really .
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