Example sentences of "[unc] of vote [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it achieved 24 per cent of votes cast in communes of more than 40,000 , ie , where immigrants and their descendants are concentrated .
2 The Liberal SDP Alliance secured 26 per cent of votes cast but won only 23 seats or 3.5 per cent of the 650 constituencies .
3 Nov. 26 , 1989 1989 1985 Percentage of votes* Seats Percentage of votes Seats PN 50.98 71 46 63 PLH 43.19 55 51 67 Pinu** 1.89 2 1.5 2 PDC*** 1.41 0 1.5 2 *2.53 per cent of votes cast were invalid .
4 The party increased its share of the vote by almost 4 percentage points , but nearly 7 per cent of votes cast went to the Greens and more than 5 per cent to the New Labour Party .
5 Although the turnout was only 43 per cent , 99 per cent of votes cast gave backing to the Constitution .
6 In the first round of voting on Feb. 9 ( which saw a turnout of 64.91 per cent ) , 1,340 mayoral posts out of 2,951 were won outright ( for which over 50 per cent of votes cast in each constituency was necessary ) .
7 Nevertheless , Poll Watch estimated that up to 50 per cent of votes cast throughout Thailand involved an exchange of money , with the figure rising to between 70 and 90 per cent in the Isarn ( North-East Thailand ) .
8 The Rompress news agency reported on March 10 that the NSF had received 33.6 per cent of votes cast in the local polls as compared with 24.3 per cent for the Democratic Convention , an alliance of opposition parties .
9 Provisional results from the general election on April 29 indicated that Sir Dawda Jawara , leader of the Progressive People 's Party ( PPP ) , had secured at least 60 per cent of votes cast in the presidential poll ; in the elections to the 36-member House of Representatives , with the results from eight seats still to be counted , the PPP had won 20 seats , the National Convention Party five , the Gambia People 's Party one , and independent candidates two .
10 Smith was elected by 91.02 per cent of votes cast by 1,500 delegates at a meeting of the party 's electoral college ; his opponent Bryan Gould won 8.98 per cent of the vote .
11 On Sept. 28 Security Minister Mensan Agbeyome Kodjo announced the results of the referendum held the previous day , stating that 99.09 per cent of votes cast had been in favour of constitutional change .
12 The outgoing head of state , Flt. -Lt. ( retd ) Jerry Rawlings , won 58.3 per cent of votes cast on Nov. 3 , in the first presidential elections since he seized power in a military coup in 1981 , according to official results announced in Accra on Nov. 6 .
13 Celebrations began at the headquarters of the Salvation Front as the exit polls predicted more than eighty per cent of votes had been captured by Front leader , Ion Iliescu , in the three candidate race for the presidency .
14 The neo-Nazi Republicans ( Republikaner ) had campaigned strongly for German reunification , while also playing on West German fears engendered by the flood of immigrants from Eastern Europe , but failed to win the 5 per cent of votes needed to win representation in the Landtag .
15 It is not uncommon in the United Kingdom today for a seat to be won by a candidate who secures less than 40 per cent of the vote , and for a government to be formed by a party securing less than 40 per cent of votes cast overall .
16 José Francisco Pena Gómez of the Dominican Revolutionary Party ( PRD ) , reported to have come third with 25 per cent of votes cast , called on May 17 for national understanding and the formation of a government of reconciliation , to end the polarization of the country into followers of the two major candidates , whose personalities had dominated the campaign .
17 According to the June 11 figures , Balaguer , the candidate of the Social Christian Reformist Party ( PRSC ) , had won 678,268 votes ( 35.7 per cent of votes cast ) , or 25,145 votes more than Bosch , whose total was recorded as 653,123 votes ( 34.4 per cent ) .
18 The breakaway Communist Refoundation [ see below ] polled 2.6 per cent of votes cast , overtaking some of the smaller parties in the coalition government .
19 According to preliminary results , the Adzharian regional organization of the Round Table Free Georgia bloc won 48 per cent of votes cast ; the Adzharian Electoral Bloc 19 per cent ; and the Adzharian Organization of the Independent Communist Party of Georgia 18 per cent ; 60 per cent of the electorate voted and elections were to be repeated in 24 of 40 constituencies , with a second round of voting in 11 .
20 In legislative elections on Oct. 6 the incumbent Social Democratic Party ( PSD ) led by Prime Minister Aníbal Cavaco Silva was returned to power with a slightly decreased majority of 135 seats , representing 50.4 per cent of votes cast , in the 230-seat [ not 250 as given on p. 38488 ] Assembly of the Republic .
21 In April the ninth SPA was elected with the usual efficiency : turnout was claimed to be 99.78 per cent , with 100 per cent of votes cast for the successful candidates .
22 The KMT won a resounding victory , gaining over 70 per cent of votes cast .
23 Alpha Oumar Konare , leader of the Alliance for Democracy in Mali ( ADEMA ) , was elected President in the second round of voting on April 26 , winning 69.01 per cent of votes cast .
24 President René 's SPPF won 58.4 per cent of votes cast and was expected to take 14 seats on the commission to draft a constitution in advance of presidential and legislative elections scheduled to take place in December .
25 In the legislative elections of October 1991 the party had failed to reach the necessary minimum of 7 per cent of votes cast .
26 The RPP obtained 76.71 per cent of votes cast , the PRD 23.29 per cent .
27 According to official results released on Dec. 22 , in the first round of presidential elections held on Nov. 25 , Albert Zafy of the Comité des forces vives won 45.16 per cent of votes cast , the incumbent President Didier Ratsiraka 19.22 per cent and Manandafy Rakotonirina of the Movement for Proletarian Power ( MFM ) 10.21 per cent ( there were five other candidates ) ; the date for the second round run-off between Zafy and Ratsiraka was set for Feb. 10 , 1993 .
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