Example sentences of "[unc] claim to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 1064 so to escape the prima facie claim to immunity which this class of documents ordinarily attracts .
2 Christian tradition , of course , does not contest Jesus 's claim to Messiahship .
3 Armenia had no territorial claims on Azerbaijan ( the statement thus reversing Armenia 's claim to Nagorny Karabakh — see p. 37664 ) ; however , " any decision on Nagorny Karabakh must be adopted by the Azerbaijan leadership and the elected leaders of the Nagorny Karabakh republic " .
4 Thus in 1296 he consulted his council of magnates who advised him that a certain papal provision would prejudice the crown ; and in 1299 he contested the pope 's claim to sovereignty over Scotland as a threat to the dignity of his crown .
5 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
6 There had been suggestions in early 1991 — see p. 37992 — that Gqozo was moving towards relinquishing Ciskei 's claim to sovereignty .
7 Throughout the remainder of the 1530s , royal propagandists were systematically employed to justify and publicize Henry 's claim to supremacy over the English church .
8 No country has so far recognised Bougainville 's claim to independence .
9 ‘ Wherever she goes , she carries the banner of her state 's claim to Ulster , and I do n't believe this council should play any part in giving her a platform . ’
10 Mr. Tully 's claim to privilege is taken in paragraph 6 of his affidavit sworn on 31 July 1991 and is in the vaguest of terms :
11 In Earle v Medhurst [ 1985 ] CLY 2650 the plaintiff 's claim to privilege for medical reports he had disclosed in a previous action against a different defendant claiming damages for similar injuries was not upheld .
12 The crisis which had blown up over Tito 's claim to Carinthia and Venezia Giulia was nearing its height .
13 Poland 's claim to Danzig was part of the mythologising in which the new state indulged , part of its creative compensation for the years of partition .
14 The Other Israel presents a different picture by carefully examining the Biblical , racial and historical facts surrounding Zionism and Jewry 's claim to Palestine , hidden and suppressed facts which certainly surprised this reviewer .
15 Brooke 's claim to noteworthiness rests on his role in the Alien Office .
16 His ultimate conversion , after long and courteous discussions which added cubits to Gandhi 's stature , provided a timely justification of the latter 's claim to leadership .
17 The benefit for Indonesia was political as well as economic because it implied , as Foreign Minister Ali Alatas pointed out , a recognition by Australia of the legitimacy of Indonesia 's claim to East Timor .
18 The county 's claim to King Cole is almost certainly based on a real historical character and the legend deserves to be maintained .
19 Biron 's claim to learning resides in the possession of books that he does not read .
20 On the contrary , they saw the empire as the basis of Britain 's claim to world power status , and their commitment to exporting self-government — which they wrote about as if it were merely the current expression of the British administrative genius — was secondary to this .
21 When someone asks a government for bloodwealth , they not only threaten bloodshed if it is not forthcoming , but do so in an idiom which denies the government 's claim to superiority , puts it on an equal footing , treats it as just another tribe .
22 Sir Kenneth Newman — then commandant — suggests that the book 's claim to attention is that its contents are contributed by insiders ; while in their introduction , the authors claim it goes some way to challenging Holdaway 's claim ( 1979 ) that ‘ research from the Police Staff College has not resulted in a major project on the police ’ .
23 The existence of such conflict could be used to justify the bureaucracy 's claim to universality ( Lefort 1986 ) .
24 The extra energy not being allowed to be expressed as an increase in c appears as a commensurate increase in f , that is : ( formula included ) where m is the photon equivalent mass ( yes I know it is related to E but I am trying not to confuse myself ) , E is the energy , and h is Mr Plank 's claim to fame .
25 On this fact rests Blackpool 's claim to fame .
26 But Drysdale 's claim to fame now is not freckles , specs and white chocolate but arguably the sweetest left foot in the First Division .
27 Egremont 's claim to fame is the gurning at its annual Crab Fair , where rivals pull gnarly faces through a horse 's collar .
28 Vadinamia 's claim to fame , in its vid adverts , is as ’ the bank that ca n't be robbed ’ .
29 Willys 's claim to fame , or infamy , rests on his membership of the Sealed Knot , the inner ring of six Royalist conspirators , all of them , except Willys , aristocrats .
30 England international Alf 's claim to fame is that he was the first £1,000 player when in February 1905 he was bought by Middlesbrough from Sunderland .
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