Example sentences of "[unc] need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Last September , in an effort to reconcile the genuine nature conservation aspirations of various wildlife groups with the Port 's need for expansion , the Harbour Commissioners reached agreement with the major nature conservation bodies in the Province to preserve one of the Kinnegar lagoons as a bird sanctuary along with approximately 70 acres of land around the North end of Belfast City Airport 's runway for development as a nature park .
2 Failure to establish guilt in the criminal court does not preclude consideration of a child 's need for protection in which the child 's welfare will be paramount .
3 Even a horse 's need for drinking water can become distorted .
4 From his period of employment in an Irish pub , Amiss was well accustomed to its denizens ' congenital gregariousness : this went hand in hand with a complete inability to understand anyone else 's need for peace .
5 Management 's need for accountability is not satisfied and doctors are uncertain about the balance between their clinical and managerial roles .
6 It presents its evidence impartially , and so is useful to those who do not accept Russia 's need for shock therapy as well as to those who do .
7 For a start , they argue , America has already told Jordan that it wants to be friends again ( watch to see if America leans on Israel to be more accommodating to Jordan 's need for water ) .
8 Of the animal 's need for water , he points out , ‘ like us , and in this respect unlike flowers , they prefer to have these needs satisfied ’ ( 89 ) .
9 Elizabeth 's legitimacy as Anne Boleyn 's daughter depended upon the validity of her father 's divorce , and the new government was also propelled in an anti-papal direction by the crown 's need for money and by the general uneasiness about the papal attitude to expropriated church property .
10 It means that necessarily there have been variations in people 's need for support from their kin , and in the capacity of kin to provide it .
11 But in reality the amount and type of support which kin give each other varies with the particular historical circumstances within which family relationships are played out , so that looking at patterns of support at different points in time means that one is not comparing like with like in quite significant ways : there is variation both in people 's need for support and in the capacity of relatives to provide it .
12 The variation in people 's need for support , and in the capacity of relatives to provide it , is not simply a matter of demography or the force of economic circumstances .
13 Equally people 's need for support from relatives specifically has to be related to whatever alternative provisions exist at any given time .
14 Some cater for the public 's need for insurance or pension provision .
15 The merchant seaman 's need for benevolence did not go entirely unnoticed in the eighteenth century .
16 Any exercises which increase the body 's need for oxygen will be exercising the heart and lungs .
17 The speaker assumes that the listener shares the speaker 's need for closeness and the view that both parties have a lot in common .
18 At around five , Amiss 's need for sleep triumphed over his good nature and he hurled a paperback in Sunil 's direction .
19 Developed by a consortium of seven centres , the award is designed to meet industry 's need for technician engineers with interdisciplinary skills .
20 This second dimension is concerned with the individual 's need for honour and reputation .
21 The need to harmonize national laws was bound to be frustrated by the Treaty 's need for unanimity as between all twelve member states .
22 She argued strongly that nineteenth-century feminism had neglected women 's need for love and a family life ( although this was by no means wholly the case ) and that sexual equality did not necessarily mean ‘ sameness ’ .
23 Although formalised assessment is useful , other factors such as physical illness , family support , degree of isolation , concurrent psychiatric symptomatology etc are likely to determine an individual 's need for day hospital attendance .
24 This is difficult to define satisfactorily , but in the context of brief therapy it involves the therapist suggesting to the patient the possible motivation underlying his behaviour , with the objective of increasing understanding as a step towards behaviour change ( e.g. overeating may be explained in terms of a patient 's need for comfort at times of loneliness so that the patient may be more able to tackle the problem ) .
25 Old reflexes and outsider instincts , along with its army 's need for cash ( see page 76 ) , make it want to duck great-power responsibilities and go on quietly selling dangerous nuclear technologies to the Irans of the world , and missiles and other advanced equipment to rogue regimes anywhere .
26 social reasons : to meet an individual 's need for companionship ;
27 The first is associated with the state 's need for autonomy from society .
28 A horse 's need for self-esteem can be extended in different ways to suit us .
29 RAMBLERS have renewed calls for an independent inquiry into the army 's need for training land .
30 Belinda waited quietly , sensing her patient 's need for distraction , but wanting to take a cue from Faye herself before launching into shallow chat .
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