Example sentences of "[unc] name [be] the " in BNC.

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1 GUIL : ( Down ROS 's throat ) What in God 's name is the matter with you ?
2 What in the devil 's name was the Campbell lass up to ?
3 Perhaps the last feeble kick of this lust to print one 's name was the station platform and amusement arcade machine where , on inserting a penny , one was able to punch one 's name on a metal strip , which the contraption disgorged on the pull of a handle .
4 Forcing the subject to use an acoustic strategy , by making the task one in which he had to indicate whether the terminal phoneme of one letter 's name was the same as that of another ( e.g. B and G have the same terminal sound , B and M do not ) , still led to a RVF advantage .
5 Artai 's name was the sole nomination , and instead of a proposing speech by one of the Khans there was a reading by a court secretary of the portion of Nogai 's will in which he expressed the wish that Artai should succeed him .
6 As her mother 's name was the same as her own , it has been mistakenly assumed that Mrs Coade , the mother , ran the factory until her death in 1796 , but ‘ Mrs ’ was a courtesy title for any unmarried woman in business at that time , and bills show that Miss Coade was in charge from 1771 .
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