Example sentences of "[be] prepared [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How individuals come across on television usually depends on how much understanding , effort and practice they are prepared to give to it .
2 The more interested pupils are in what they write , the more attention they are prepared to give to its appearance , including spelling .
3 I accept that the Government have the right to determine the amount of money that they are prepared to give to local government .
4 Any television documentary is entirely dependent on what its participants are prepared to say on camera — the winks and nudges of written journalism can have very little place in it .
5 The effect of day length on behaviour is mediated hormonally ; the birds are prepared to migrate in the autumn by declining production of sex hormones at the end of the breeding season ; they do not migrate if injected with sex hormones .
6 But they are prepared to act on the political stage according to a script which permits pragmatic compromise up to the point where further compromise would endanger the fundamental evangelical principles of the background .
7 Some women in America are prepared to continue with hormone replacement for life .
8 Love You and your partner face new challenges in your relationship — use them as a way of finding out just how deep your feelings are for each other , and how much you are prepared to sacrifice in order to make it work .
9 The time our crews are prepared to sacrifice in learning how to use a modern lifeboat to its full capability is of immense value to the Institution .
10 I do not believe that the British public are prepared to move to a property tax .
11 If they are prepared to move with apparent ease into surroundings of this nature , will they equally find no problems by moving into the Wembley Arenas of this world ?
12 apply to the centre where they are enrolled and obtain written confirmation that they are prepared to liaise with and forward examination paper(s) to the selected examination centre .
13 We have to assure counsellees that we are prepared to listen to their difficulties .
14 A good example is the ‘ right ’ to tax diversion ( see Dignan , Chapter 6 ) — while British Courts are prepared to listen to arguments based on statutory rights , and may well be prepared to listen to arguments grounded in International Law , they are far less willing , at present , to accept arguments based on concepts of ( natural ) rights .
15 You will find that people will confide in you and tell you their secrets and unveil their emotions if you are prepared to listen to them .
16 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
17 It is no doubt true that there is a reduced need for rigorous liability rules where the shareholders are in a position to exercise a real , informed choice about the appointment and removal of directors , and are prepared to engage in active monitoring of management .
18 But since then things have changed , and if they are prepared to go to a little trouble and expense they can now acquire a cat that will almost certainly give them no problems .
19 Some of these parents may also wish , through adoption , to protect children against the social order , but they are ‘ real ’ parents in that they are prepared to go beyond their own concerns and hold the child 's interests as their priority .
20 This rule needs to be changed , so as to allow the unemployed to draw benefit as long as unemployment lasts , providing that claimants have not refused jobs they were offered without good cause , and are prepared to go on training schemes .
21 Of course , two parties may announce before an election that they are prepared to go into coalition with each other but they can not guarantee the election result that would make that coalition possible .
22 Exactly how far civil servants are prepared to go in order to thwart ministers is a matter of some controversy .
23 ‘ It will be up to you how much you participate , just as it will be up to you how far you are prepared to go in our health and safety campaigns . ’
24 That they are prepared to take on board such a past , one must hold in awe .
25 If tens of thousands of people are prepared to take to the streets and to camp outside obscure air-force bases for months on end , what will they do when cruise becomes a reality ?
26 Consumers are prepared to wait for sales and even go for cheaper versions of what they would buy in better times , says a survey published yesterday .
27 " Just say that you are writing to confirm that you want a detailed report because the matter is of such importance to so many people , and are prepared to wait for it .
28 No , it even says in here , it says look , there well may be groups of supporters in different categories who 'd like to arrange seats together , unfortunately not be able to do this unless you are prepared to wait until the end of the main selling period
29 ‘ Fraulein , I understand from Bruno that you are prepared to swear to a document that Corporal Blagg brought you some death certificates on the night when Herr Hochhauser — ( thank God he had remembered the name ) ‘ — the Standesbeamte from Bad Schwarzendorn was murdered .
30 They are prepared to sue for peace .
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