Example sentences of "[be] thought [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 September trade figures , due on 24 October , are thought critical for sterling 's fortunes .
2 The same men are thought responsible for two similar attacks in Buckinghamshire on Bonfire night .
3 Until about 20 years ago the citadel still served as barracks and prison , and seems to have been thought suitable for confining revolutionaries .
4 Despite contravening almost all the rules that have been thought necessary for providing machine translation the system manages to achieve correct translation in 48% of cases .
5 She wondered , however , whether the philosophy of matching services closely to needs might eventually mean that existing residents who were relatively independent might be thought unsuitable for Mencap 's homes .
6 He declined Dinah 's offer ; no doubt it would in any case be thought improper for two young ladies to drive a young man home .
7 In many districts cattle were thought essential for rice cultivation , and when there was a shortage fields lay fallow .
8 However , the airline 's firm orders for 20 Airbus A321 medium-range jets and 28 McDonnell Douglas jets will not be delivered until the mid-1990s , and unlike some other European airlines , Alitalia is thought vulnerable for want of international partners and a strategy for deregulation of the European market after 1992 .
9 What is more difficult to predict into the middle of the next century is the proportion of the total population that this older group will constitute , because that depends upon the birth-rate , and the latter , if past experience is anything to go on , shifts unpredictably with transient social circumstances — such as the level of unemployment or whether or not there is a war — as well as with unstable social attitudes to child-bearing and the age at which it is thought suitable for women to bear children .
10 It was thought preferable for the schoolmaster and schoolmistress to be man and wife .
11 At that first meeting , two applicants for the post of assistant nurse were considered ( but neither was thought suitable for interview ) .
12 A feud between the Medellín and Cali cartels was thought responsible for the massacre of 22 workers on a ranch near Cali on Sept. 25 .
13 The priest 's home was usually near the church , it was not until the eighteenth century when services became more infrequent that it was thought proper for the priest to become established in a big house , perhaps on a distant part of the glebe , and live with much of the dignity of a squire .
14 The incident was thought fit for the purpose , and adopted accordingly .
15 It was thought improper for elderly women to wear bright clothes .
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