Example sentences of "[be] simply that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it were simply that it would hardly be convincing , would it ? ’
2 ‘ It 's simply that we all thought it so unnecessary , Mr Barnett .
3 It 's simply that he wants to create a better atmosphere , and show that after all he 's a reasonable man , and we should n't be too hard on him in these days .
4 It 's simply that it is not by any means obvious how PR is supposed to deliver all these goodies .
5 " Hazel — dear old Hazel — it 's simply that I know there 's something unnatural and evil twisted all round this place .
6 It 's simply that I 'm not prepared to see him branded a fraud and a charlatan merely in order to prolong your receipt of them .
7 It 's not that I 'm totally assured that this time round I wo n't be quite so foolish , it 's simply that I know it 's possible to progress to that stage beyond ‘ falling in love ’ — if I do n't opt out as soon as he starts to look less like Prince Charming and more like Mr Very Ordinary and Boring .
8 ‘ It 's simply that you and I share a father . ’
9 So where , as in Morgan , defendants claim that they believed the woman was consenting , because her husband ( who was present ) had told them that she enjoyed a struggle , their case is simply that they lacked the fault element required for the crime .
10 The answer is simply that they enjoyed it .
11 The major problem that young people suffer is simply that they are young .
12 My point here is simply that they do go some way to explaining why patterns of co-residence fluctuate over time .
13 The classical answer is simply that they are there ; they are taken as given .
14 The reason for Bleach 's high media profile recently is simply that they are a pearl in an oyster of normality and the ‘ Eclipse EP ’ blots out every other noise/female vocal merchants being hailed as the new messiahs with immense ease .
15 It is not repentance ; it is simply that they are scared for their skins and wish to save parliamentary seats in the general election .
16 ‘ Clearly the reason they claim to have burnt it is simply that they realize it would be too risky to let us examine it . ’
17 The reason for Bleach 's high media profile recently is simply that they are a pearl in an oyster of normality and the ‘ Eclipse EP ’ blots out every other noise/female vocal merchants being hailed as the new messiahs with immense ease .
18 The first difference is simply that we are allowed to specify less in the way of " conditions or data " in order to fix the state .
19 The reason the process of telling the truth seems less complicated than I 've said is simply that we are n't conscious of most of the mental processes I 've been describing .
20 My wish , the wish of all of us , is simply that we may as quickly as possible get to the bottom of the shocking and cold-blooded crime which has stunned and appalled the entire country , and arrest and punish those responsible .
21 Yet , much that they wrote then resonates as much today : it is simply that we do not comprehend it .
22 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
23 The reason for avoiding yeast is simply that you may be sensitive to it .
24 Perhaps it is simply that you do not have the courage to do so .
25 The problem with the ATTRIB command is simply that you need to replace the \ between the -h and c : \etc. by a space i.e. c : \DOS>attrib -r -s -h c : \lite\pcprobe \*; *
26 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
27 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
28 ‘ It is simply that I have different ideas than the gentlemen who give places to men … . ’ .
29 ‘ It is simply that I expected better service , ’ he snapped .
30 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
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